Chapter 3: Y/N💞

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Hello fellow Readers in this chapter it is Sundrop pov and pick any outfit you want from the above or just imagen one for yourselves anyways enjoy~
Sun's POV

"Huh? Who's there?"
"Sunny~ it's me your sunflower~

"Wha- what?"
"Right! (Who was that in my dream?)"

Moon woke me up and we both get going after we eat, toke a bath and wore our clothes then went to work. We entered the FAZ BEAR Pizza Plex and to the daycare.

"I'll head to the FAZ sleep zone and prepare the mats for the kids I'll change into uniform later"
" K moon lets work our best today!"

He waved at me while going to the nap section I went to the balcony and change into my uniform and place my casual clothing on the clothes rack.

"Knock knock"
"Come in!"
"Hey sun I came to tell you that there's gonna be a new assistant there coming here today"
"I know you texted me the other day about it Luis"
"Okay just wanna let you know"

He closed the door behind me. Then I heard someone slide down to the ball pit I looked since it was still closed and saw the new hired assistant. I went out of the balcony and said a merry "HO HO HO" and dive right into the ball pit. They moved a bit and I carried them

"Y-yes um can you please put me down hehe"
"Oh right my bad :)"

I went out of the ball pit and placed them down

"Thx, I'm Y/N and you are?"
"Oh! Right introductions I'm Sundrop but you can call me sun,sunny or whatever you like and
Luis told me you'll be assigned at the desk over there, you will know what to do"
"Okay Sundrop"

They went to the desk and I went on to move some crates filled with toys and placed them around and suddenly y/n came an helped

"Here let me help!"
"Thx Y/N we put these over there (aw there kind normally the past assistant s never help me)"
"Also Im curious Luis told me there would be 2 people here working?"
"That would be my brother Moondrop hehe, he's in the FAZ naptime section of the daycare but aside that lets work hard together shall we"

We both fixed the place up for the daycare, there were lots of kids already outside of the big doors ready to come in. I was filled with excitement while y/n was tired waiting until opening time. I get a cooled bottle of water from the refrigerator and give it to them.

"Here!" I said
"Thanks alot it's really tiring here how do you put up with it?"
"I guess I've been working here for awhile and I'm kinda used to it"
" How long have you been working here for?"
" Around 6 years I think"
" Welp lets work hard together shall we!"
"Will do y/n (she's really cool to I like her/him/them)"


Hello fellow Readers 💕
I will post around the weekends since I still have school and other stuff in my life I hope you enjoyed ✨

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