Chapter 4: Opening Time

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Hello fellow Readers I would like to say first before the story will start. Please bare with me with the POVs im not really the best at them and thank you for your patience dear Readers anyways enjoy~💞


3rd persons pov

As it was time for opening the daycare Y/N opened the big doors. Alot of kids went inside and started dashing to sunny almost making him fall "Hello kids! Ready for another day of fun?!" The kids replied with happiness in there tones making sunny filled with excitement. Y/N was look at Sunny admiring of how jolly he was with kids

Y/N pov

I looked at Sunny of how happy he was I wanted to go there and introduce myself but I thought I'll do it later when Sunny introduce me to the kids. Suddenly I felt someone was pulling me. "Who are you?" A kid with a blue dress, long brown hair and with the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen. I went down to her level and introduce myself to her "I'm y/n the new daycare assistant" "I'm Amanda!"  She said with a happy tone in her voice. Then sunny came around with the kids and introduce me " everyone meet y/n! They will be with us so welcome them in the daycare" sunny said "hello everyone lets all be the best of friends!" Some kids went to me and played. Some kids were playing with sunny and others were playing. After awhile of playing it was time for a puppet show that will be performed by sunny "alrighty kids! How about we start this puppet show! Gather around and sit as me and my assistant will start!" Sunny said that and I was surprised I didn't know what to do but sunny came to me and whispered "it's okay sunflower just follow me~" he smirk "sunflower?" "It's one of the characters names in the puppet show" he grabbed my wrist and we were behind the scenery. He gives me a puppet that looks like a sunflower "it's show time hehe" when he opened the curtains we started acting the characters while I was also following his lead.

Time skip

After the puppet show, the kids were starting to get hungry so sunny and me guide the kids to the snack area. There were small tables with chairs and a place where there was biscuits and juices with a small play area where the children can play after eating. While they eat me and sunny went to the desk to do some paperwork and answer some complains about the daycare I asked sunny of who will guard the kids and he said moon will since after they will eat for awhile they must go to sleep after.

"Okay so I was looking threw the past few papers before I worked here and the ball pit was filled with gum before?"
"Yeah that was really a long time ago plus it was hard to clean up"
"Heh well thx for showing me around of how things work around here"
"No problem btw do you want to watch a movie after this? Im gonna bring moon with me and I have a spear ticket it would be a waste :)"

After me and sun finished some stuff on the desk we went to moon who was probably in the FAZ sleeping zone we walked in and saw moon putting his finger on his mouth telling us to be quite. "Shh my children are sleeping" Moon walked out and we followed him.

"So Sun who's this?"
"Moon meet y/n y/n meet moon"
I give him my hand and then he kissed it
"The pleasure is all mine doll~"
You felt a tint of blush on your face and took your hand.
"Don't tease y/n moon"
"What there cute~"
" *Sighs* anyways I told them that they would be joining us for the movie tonight"
"Sure why not"
"Great! It's all settled then let's meet later at 8:00 pm"

Hello fellow Readers tysm for all the love and support I will post later on in the future💕

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