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"what the actual fuck. what the fuck is wrong with you, what the fuck."

"it not my fucking fault, what the shit. how was i supposed to know"

my head hurts, i'm dizzy.
where am i?

"what's going on?" i asked the voices in the room with me.

"oh my fucking god! y/n you're okay!"

"i'm so glad you're okay"

the voices rushed over to me. they seemed familiar but i couldn't tell who it was. i opened my eyes to see a blurry room spinning with two young men standing at my bedside.

"alex? karl?" i said as my eyes focused.

"yes, what? what's up" alex says

"what's going on what happened?" i ask

"what's the last thing you remember?" karl asked

"i was at a stop light and my phone dinged. i went to check it and the next thing i know i'm here."

"you got hit by a car. you have a concussion and some cuts, not too bad" alex replied.

"no thanks to him, you're okay"

"what's that mean, karl?" i ask

"alex's the one who texted you, the whole reason you're in here"

"how was i supposed to know she was driving! this is not my fault!" alex yelled

i could feel my heart rate rising as the boys got louder. slowly everything started to become muffled and blurry again. my heat felt as though it was beating out of my heart. the yelling was too much for me.

suddenly the door slams open. 2 nurses and the doctor walks in.

"what's going on her heart rates rising. nurses check her."

from what i can see the nurses push the boys out of the room and start checking me. then the whole room went black.




the world slowly becomes unmuffled and i come to my senses


i see a nurse looking down at me

"hey honey, how you feeling?"

"good i think" i say uncertain

"do you know where you are"

"the hospital?"

"yes sweetheart"

the nurse continued to ask me questions until she was sure i didn't have amnesia or anything.

"what happened?"

"you were having an anxiety attack, from all the yelling. it caused your heart to beat faster and pump more blood. you had some internal bleeding we didn't see before. you lost a lot of blood  and fell into a coma. we thought we lost you. luckily you're okay now"

"what's the date?"

"february 17th, 2022"


i've been in the hospital for over a year.


sorry for the dogwater update

it's midnight and i'm tired

i love you all

443 words <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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