Express Orphan

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Tom surveyed the end of the forest that he reached. Beyond the lush cool and peaceful forest was....

....a snowy desert. It's like someone brought in minecraft biomes generator and used it to create this world.

"Hmmmmmmm...." Tom contemplates his life decisions. "Fuck it!" he accelerated into the cold ground of the tundra. The trees are scarce here.

"This is Russia all over again." Tom sighed. At least his silver colour blend in quite well with this area. So well, that he can sneak behind a rabbi-

"Nope still have my engine sounds, gear noises and the trembling ground to take care of." Tom said as the rabbit burrow into the ground. "I am the opposite of stealth." He shot the ground, and the rabbit died anyway.

Lv. 4

"Noice" Tom made his way along the edge of the tundra, following the lush line of forest. He's more likely to find a civilization there than this cold desert, but it's easier to spot enemies here, so it's an ideal sintuation.

After a suffering 10 minutes, at least to Tom, he finally found a village.

A human one.

"Ducking finally. And yes I said duck." he approached the village. There was a wooden wall and gate surrounding it. A bit primitive, but what can he expect in a world where people don't treat humans as a superior race.

He tapped his barrel on the wooden door as if knocking, but later he rammed it down since no one was answering. He drove trough the village, shaking it entirely due to his weight and the rocky road.


An earthquake. Everyone immediately hid in their house, since earthquake isn't a thing around here. If one did happen, it can only mean one thing. Something is causing it. And it's getting closer.

The wooden house shook under the tremor caused by whatever is passing by outside. From the shaking, I can tell this thing is huge. But it's....constant. It's not a walking monster. Maybe a new, strange multi legged abomination, or maybe the Demon King finally decided to start invading us, and send an army. An army that's very bad at marching in sync.

I gathered my courage, and peeked out of the small hole in the wall of my house. My hands is busy closing the mouth of Jamy, my brother. He is a saint candidate. But he's......special. A little too much component in his blood and brains the alchemist say. But an alchemist can say anything, like how eating too much meat can make you fatter.

Such nonsense. You'll get fatter if you eat too much of anything.

The church is sending an envoy to escort my brother to the capital. At least....there's a silver lining here. Maybe they'll get rid of whatever that is that's roaming out there too.


My eyes saw a glimpse of something shiny. What can be so glittery in this snowy weather. And then it passed by.
The thing causing the earthquake. A metal monster. Everytime it's weird rotating limbs covered in dry blood touched the ground the earth trembled. I noticed the track it leaves.

"No.....where did it come from!?" It can't be. I looked at the place the beast just came from.

It.....squashed our parent's house.


"I'm pretty sure I saw an exp notification just now. Hmmmm..." Tom reached the other end of the town, he looked back at the house he recently squashed. Maybe there was a human in there-

He saw a mouse coming out of the rubble.

"Oh. So it's really abandoned. Sigh." he decided that it was just a family of mouse. So he rammed and took down the other gate and continued on his way. Not even wondering why the mouse didn't give him any skills. And why there is a stream blood coming out of the rubble.

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