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"What is it, Hans."

"Are we the baddies?"

"No, of course not. We're just taking what's rightfully ours."

"Even the lifes, Commander? We are hanging them on the decorations. Is this not..."

"War crimes? Nay. Why are you lowering yourself to the rules 'they' made?"

"But sir..."

"Focus on that radio, Hans."

"...Yes sir."


"Sir! A message!"

""All units retreat to the bridge! We will detonate it in 10 minutes.""

"You heard him Krueger."


"Commander....are we losing? Keh!"

"Anymore of that crap you want to spit out?"

" sir. Other than ligma."

"What's ligma? WAIT-"

Tom snapped out of his metaphorical  sleep, banging his barrel on a tree. ".....Dumb dream." he tried to collect his thoughts. The last thing he remember is appearing outside the cave suddenly, then yelling his metaphorical lungs out. Then after that he drove into the side of the road to recharge his fuel, and somehow, fell asleep. He then heard a commotion coming just from the road 10 meters from him.


"It was here." the archer noticed the trail going towards a stone wall. "..." The commander of the knights walked next to him. "It cleared the Goblin Dungeon?" "Looks like it." the archer's eyes followed the second trail, which lead to a crushed wooden sign. "Looks new." the knight commander signaled for his battalion to be cautious. They followed the trail for a few more minutes, taking in on how deep the trail is, and how big the monster they are hunting are, then....

"Now what?" a random knight said.

The trail merged with the cobblestone road leading towards the city. Due to it, the trail are now gone. Either it broke off from the road ahead or it's heading towards town.

"It might be rampaging there this very second!" the commander immediately pieced the clues together, clearly missing the another trail just 14 meters from where he is standing. He got on his horse, charging back to town, taking the battalion with him. "Oi! Wait!" the archer tried to stop them, but soon, only the three of them were left. He, his swordsman, and their beastwomen member, who is silently staring at something in the tree lines.

"..." the archer who noticed this, seems to understand her behaviour, so he slowly pulled and drawed his bow. "..." the swordsman was puzzled, but gripped his sword.

"Oh wow, you noticed me?" The sound of a diesel engine roared, as the trees in front of them leaned forward and fell.

And there it was. The thing they are supposed to be hunting. "Kuh, it lured the knights away! It's intelligent!" the archer shot directly at Tom's turret. The arrow simply bounced off. Tom was actually still refueling his fuel and somehow was not noticed by the knights. He still won't acknowledge the usefulness of his stealth skill. Tom do recognize the three. They were the very first people he met after getting tank-ed.

"So ya still haven't had enough-"

The beastwomen, with her tails frantically swinging, got down on her knees with both hand touching the ground. She was kowtowing to Tom.

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