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"SHARINGAN!" Tom roared, trying to somehow activate his new skill. A passive skill he got from that cowardly bunny beastman.

"I give up." he gave up after the third try. "I should just follow that damn carriage. Or whatever's left of it's trail." Tom turned around, leaving the body of the beastman to be buried under the snow, or eaten by a passing scavenger.

Someone did pass by, but it was, in all odds, the very same beastman Tom met a few days ago.



The beastwoman kneeled in front of the red snow, sniffing it with her nose. There were bandages around her head, meaning her injuries is still not healed. She felt a tap on her shoulders.

"We're almost there, what are you-" the archer noticed the bloody and suspicious red mark on the snow, that is almost buried under.

"!!!" He immediately asked for the help of the 500 strong knight corps. He used their team's reputation to persuade the captain of the knights to dispatch a battalion to hunt whatever wiped half of their team out. Thankfully, the lord of the town was understanding. Something that can wipe out half of an A rank team is indeed a threat to the city. Not that his A rank team is strong. In fact they won't be where they are if the cleric and the beastwomen haven't joined them.

"This..." they finally managed to pull some remains from the snow. "Isn't this....Makoto??!" He can tell, from the cloth and........bloody remains of bunny ears. "Did he tried to tame it?" The swordsman wondered. "No, Makoto ain't that confident. I know the kid." the archer looked at the pattern on the snow. There are two strange lines so deep, that it's still around even after a few inches of snow have fallen. "We got it." the archer attached the clotches of the dead beastman to the belt on his hips.

"We'll take revenge. For everyone."


"Yaaaaaaaawwwwnnnnnnn~" Tom strecthed his metaphorical arms and legs. It's getting dark, and by chance he found a cave. A very general cave.

...Filled with magic crystal.

"HMMMMMM...." Tom approached one magic crystal on the ground. It's very small, maybe like a pebble. Tom crushed it. The glowy light it emits suddenly burst out in a blinding light.

MP unlocked!

INT unlocked!

"Wha?" Tom looked at his stats.



"You focking wot m8?" Tom tried swatting his system again. In the end he gave up and crushed all the remaining crystals he can. Only his MP improved, but not his INT.



"Eh, good enough." He said, as he heard something colliding with him. A bunch of throwaway knifes. Tom noticed some figures coming out of the darkness of the cave. "Ah yes, mysterious figures in the dark." Tom shot at one of them using his machineguns. The two immediately rushed back into the shadows. While the one who got shot fell to the ground.

"Hello there." Tom drove right over the injured but still alive thing that attacked him. He wants to integrate whatever skill the guy, or girl, (he don't judge) have, but the other two leaped out from both side and onto him.

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