No Escape

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"Why do you hate them so much, Mich? They're here to help us fight those sauerkraut munchers." Jack handed another shell to his gunner, who descended back into the hatch.

"Oh I'll tell you why. They're overfed, overpaid, overdressed... and over here." Mich huffed as he glared at the one american soldier passing by them with a British beauty in his right hand and a Coca-Cola in the other. If he could, he would have thrown the tank he is leaning on at him right there and then.

"Maybe, but they do their part yeah? Don't you think so Percy?" he slapped the helmet of his gunner, who seems used to it.

"If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." Mich grabbed the hands of Jack, as he helped him get on the Sherman.

"What's our job this time?" asked Percy, who can't wait to try out this new Sherman model. He heard it was the first of it's kind, made specifically to hunt a-

"A Tiger."

"What? Just a Tiger? I know those Germans make good tanks but don't we just need numbers?"

"Not this one. Reports says it can do.....'weird' stuff."

"So we hunting a retarded tank, got it." Mich sighed at Jack's naivety of calling the tank autistic. Hunting a new unknown model isn't fun at all. You can ask the people who first encountered the Tiger.

"Aww come on chief, we have the numbers."


"Just a heavy tank. JUST A HEAVY TANK!" Jack yelled into Mich eardrum s. "JUST A HEAVY TANK DID THIS, MICH!" he pointed towards the destroyed pieces of metal.

They have surrounded the said tank in a village, and with 15 tanks, they attacked.

And lost.

"WHAT THE FOCK KIND OF HEAVY TANK IS THAT! THE GERMANS IS FOCKING CRAZY!" Jack yelled, his accent taking over his speech.


"CALM THE FACK DOWN SOLDIER!" Mich slapped Jack so hard he fell over. "ARE YOU A SOLDIER OR A FUCKING BABY?"






"Oh I don't think so."



The men fell over to their backs, as they see death itself in front of them.

A tank.

A damn white talking tank. Mich burst out in a nonsensical laughter, as he feel his lungs failing on him. Maybe war have made him crazy after all.

The last thing he see is fire covering his view...

...and darkness ensue.


"What....happened here?" The catgirl with a live rabbit in her hands walked past the two dead body of the gate guards. She saw them alive just a couple of days ago.

But now their....

"...Dead?" She entered the town and looked around as she walked. Bodies of soldiers, adventurers, citizens and even kids littered the street.

Some are recognizable, some not, and some just look like someone throw a bucket of minced meat on the ground.

"..." She was really bothered by it, due to the smell. She's from the beastman race. When they hunt for food they also accept the fact that they can be the one hunted too. The strong dominates the weak. And that's why their race don't get along well with humans.

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