Prepare for Blitzkrieg

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"..." Tom's barrel pointed towards the ground, where a certain catgirl is sleeping peacefully. He is done exploring his territory, and have came up with one conclusion.

"This place SUCC."

With the remote area, dense miasma and a land not suitable for any plant growth except for occasional grass and plenty of decaying trees, his judgement was mostly, correct. "That only leave one thing." Tom stared at the silhouette of the tall castle in the distance. The rising sun was blinding but at the same time, calming. As if shining the crooked forest to rest.

"Time to get more territory." Tom woke the catgirl up by shredding the tree she is leaning on with his machineguns. "Nya...." she held her pained still bandaged ears.

"Wake the fuck up samurai, we've got a city to burn." Tom took off his metaphorical sunglasses.

"Wha-who?" The catgirl pointed to herself. "Me?"

"Yes." Tom answered, seeing the catgirl pointing her finger to her chin.

"My name is-"

"I don't care. Get up." Tom cut the girl off. He can't understand her anyway, so there was no point in listening, not to an abomination like her.

"....Fineeeee." The girl got up from the shredded tree she was leaning on, and tried to hitch a ride on Tom, who backed away knowing she would.

"No." he turned towards the direction of the castle and headed onwards, only to stop after hearing a growl.

"?" he turned around expecting to see a wild monster, but there are none in sight. "Wha.....Oh." His confusion was overturned when he saw the catgirl clutching her stomach.


"Go over there or something. I can't use you if you are busy with business." Tom mistook her grumbling stomach as a number 2.

The girl, hearing Tom's words, ran off to who knows where in search of food.

"Useless." Tom decided to just barge in to the castle town alone.

His strategy?



"Hey, do you think the Hero of Harem would visit this place?" someone asked me. It was my partner in this boring gatekeeper job. Slacking off is his forte.

"Of course not. This place aren't in any danger. The demon king is defeated, and the princess is married off to another country. There's no benefit for him." I answered his naive question.

"Oh come on! You need to change that attitude of yours, not everyone is as crooked as you thing."

"He is still human. And all humans are crooked."

"Whatever you say man." was the last thing he ever said to me, before his head seems to explode out of nowhere.

"......." His remains is splattered all over my face. I froze. I cannot fathom what happened.


Darkness. I see only darkness. As far as the eyes can see.


What is this place?


"EZ." Tom sniped the two guards guarding the entrance into the fortified castle town. The carriageway they guarded was just big enough for him to squeeze his Extra Thicc hull trough.

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