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lol this is my first time writing a story😭😭 but i'm not gonna introduce all the other characters. reminder i do not own any character except for ruby. also i won't be using uppercase letters in this story.
(this story takes place in 2022)

also if you see anything misspelled don't mind it cause i don't read over these

ruby francis

                               ruby francis

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ruby is 16, her birthdays may 12th 2005. she likes listening to music, drawing, volleyball, and singing(even tho she's not that good at it) she has anger issues, at least people tell her she does. and her family life is a little rough. when she was little her mom was in jail for doing drugs. her dad was a drunk and yelled 24/7. she dosent live with him anymore thankfully. she got an opportunity to move to California with her grandma. she took the chance as soon as she was able too. they left her dad back in Connecticut. her grandma is amazing, and loves her dearly. and she loves her too. they moved here to California when she was 15 so she's not new.

this is ruby's aesthetic ig you could say:

this is ruby's aesthetic ig you could say:

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authors note-i hope y'all like this story, and feel free to leave any suggestions to what could happen

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authors note-
i hope y'all like this story, and feel free to leave any suggestions to what could happen.

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