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Me and ruby are friends. we met when she moved here. and since then she's helped me through a lot of shit. she's fun to be around. you could ask almost anyone and they would most likely say the same thing. she's got a since of humor too. that one of the things i love. she can make a joke about anything. but sometimes they're fucking rude, but just don't take everything she says to heart.

I was riding my bike to the corner store that fez runs to meet up with rue. she recently got out of rehab and this is the first time her moms letting her go out to see anybody. I end up getting there after her. it's pretty surprising that she made it here before me considering that she's always ducking high and can barley ride her bike right. when i made it there i see her and ash talking about some stupid shit.

"wassup ruby?" i hear fez say. can he talk any slower? like seriously i think he doesn't know how to or something.
"nothing much" rue turned around to talk to me since i got there.
"bro i've missed you so much ruby" she says while going in for a hug. i really missed her too. i haven't been able to hang out with her at all this summer since she was in rehab.
"ahhh i missed you too rue, we really do need to hang out before school starts since we haven't been able to over the summer" we won't have any classes together unless i have honored classes since she's a senior and i'm a junior.
"yea, we do. we could all go to MaKays party this weekend. like u, me, fez, and ash" she says. i make a disgusted face at the mention of ash's name. i was only joking though.
"ay don't do my lil homie like that now ruby" rue says laughing. me and fez started laughing along with her.
"well anyways rue there's this new girl that i think you would get along with, i seen her and i was like shit that looks like someone rue would fuck with" fez told us, but really just talking to rue.

I go in the store to grab some snack real quick. i ended up grabbing me and rue a drink and our favorite candy since i knew we would be hanging out after we left. i go to the cash register and see ash. i look down to pull out my money and when i look up i automatically say
"ew, is that ashtray"?? he replied by saying "ew, is that ruby" we started laughing. i haven't really seen him in a while. i really didn't care either. "i haven't seen u ina while" he cuts the silence. i turn off my phone to focus on what he was saying. "yea because i've been at my house, duh" i said while handing him the money for the snacks. "where else would u be, not like u got any friends or shit to do besides getting high" he laughs thinking he's the funniest person in the world while i just roll my eyes. "i literally meeting up with one of my friends right now, so fuck off" i saw. he just does a little smirk while handing me the extra change. i walk out the store and sit by rue and sooner later ash walks out too. we just talked for a bit. mostly arguing about what time we're leaving for the party tomorrow. sooner or later me and rue left. i'm glad we did too because it was so fucking hot outside, and we could get some wind while riding our bikes to my house.

i love ruby's grandma. she doesn't give a fuck about what u do as long as you're not dying. and she loves me. she's funny, which i can see when ruby gets it from.

third person:
when ruby and rue walked in her grandma was asleep in the living room. ruby turned off the tv since her grandma was no longer watching golden girls. she lived that show, and watched it everyday. she would sometimes convince ruby to watch it with her. rue and ruby went up to her room and watched movies and were on their phones while eating the snacks the whole time.


liked by rue

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liked by rue..b123 and 246 others
ruby.x05: rue quit playing the game please 🤦🏻‍♀️
rue..b123: never😒👎
the0nly_maddyy: lolllll
yoboyfezco: what game
^^ ruby.x05: gta, she's obsessed ash_.urfav: atleast let her finish it up first🙄
^^ruby.x05: no😈

authors note: ahhhh tell me how y'all feel about this please!!!! and also like i said before feel free to leave suggestions on things that could happen and i can give u credit. anyways it like 750 words or something like that apparently. would y'all like long chapters, or shorter but more often chapters?? and i'm so excited because this if the first book i've made ever😁😁
(rn it's 5am so i'll update tmr!!)

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