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authors note: tonight the next episode or euphoria comes out so i will probably write another chapter after i watch it. also this book isn't going to have the order of everything that happens in the show. so some things will be out of place and not like it is in the show. also don't forget to vote😁

ruby's pov
today is the first day of school. obviously i don't want to go. i wish it was still summer. i was already up getting ready to leave. i just had to grab my phone, headphones, and book bag. then i was out the door.

this is the out fit she's wearing just pretend she has shoes on in the pic😭😭

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this is the out fit she's wearing just pretend she has shoes on in the pic😭😭

"bye mom i love you!!" i yell across the house while shutting the front door. the school wasn't far so i could just walk there. i didn't want to see rue today after i yelled at her last night. it would be to awkward, i'll just give it some time. i already know my class schedule.
free period
health science
algebra 2
i was not ready for algebra 2. i barley passes algebra 1. but i guess i don't have a choice. at least it's my last class. when i walk into art class the first thing i notice is rue. "oh my god" is what i'm thinking. the only reason she's in here is because 9th and 10th graders take some classes together and 11th and 12th graders take some classes together. i walk over to her to sit down anyway. neither of us said anything for a while but i decided to apologize. "hey rue, i'm sorry for what i said. i mean it was pretty fucked up for me to be yelling but i just was aggravated" i said only loud enough for her to hear. "yea i get it i was being pretty fucking annoying, mainly because i was high as shit." when she said that i just let out a little giggle and then this kid with brown/blonde short hair walks up to rue. "hey rue" he says catching my attention. rue also looks up and says "hey Elliot, u wanna sit with us??" she pointed to the chair in-front of her and he took a seat. i look over to rue making a confused face and then all she said was "Elliot this is Ruby, Ruby this is Elliot" i just molded and said hi to him. i mean i really don't know him but i guess i'll have to get to know him. after that class was over i went to biology. and of course fucking ashtray was in there. i took a seat beside him because really he's the only person i know. or at least the only person i'm fine with sitting beside. me and him will probably have almost classes together since we're in the same grade and the same home room. "ew" i say sarcastically sitting down next to him. when i said that it caught his attention. he said "ew is that Ruby Francis??" making a weird looking face. "yes, yes it is" i replied rolling my eyes. after that we didn't really pay attention to was was happening in class. we just were mainly talking and making fun of each other. and making fun of other people too. when the bell rang i got all my stuff together and just walked outside since i had a feee period. i was going to go get me food since lunch was right after. "where are you going??" ash said. i turn around to look at him and say "to get food duh" he just shakes his head a little while laughing and walking away. sometimes he's not too bad. i didn't know where i was gonna get food yet. but i decided i would just go to the corner store and get something. when i got there i saw fez. "whats up ruby?" he said following me. "nothing much, i just have a free period so i decided to get something since lunch's right after this." i replied getting a drink. "ohh" i continued to get some snacks and i got extras since i knew that i had lunch with some friends. i went to the cash register and payed for the items. "thank u fez, see you later" i said waving at him. "no problem". i started walking back to school because i really had nothing better to do and it was about to be lunch. i wakes into the cafeteria and sat with Rue and Jules. soon later ash came and sat with us along with this other girl named tracy. she's the one we were hanging out with at the party along with roy and troy. i was feeling generous so j let them have some snacks. "so you and rue are cool now??" ash said. "yea we've never not been cool" i said making a little confused face. "well i mean u were screaming at her in the car yesterday" he said. "umm that wasn't yelling that was just a little disagreement" them i widowed "dumbass" under my breath. there was no point in whispering it because all of them heard. "say that again" he said smirking. "i called u a dumbass. can u not hear??" i said a slightly annoyed. "no i can hear. i just was making sure that's what you said. because u need to stop speaking to me like that" "honestly i don't care ash. you're not gonna do anything, so stop acting like u will" and i rolled my eyes. they all just laughed. except for ash obviously. he didn't really say anything after that. which surprised me. i knew i was lying, he would do something. but it's not gonna be that big of a deal.
after the day i just walked home like usual. there was some of my friends in my other classes. and ash was in all of them. and rue was in my algebra 2 class. thankfully.

authors note: again please vote👍 also i'm most likely going to update again today after the 3rd episode. and monday i'll try to update a lot because on tuesday i'm going back to school. and when i end up going to school i'm not going to be updating as much but i will try!!! and bro when i saw i had 200 something reads i was so shocked!

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