Chapter 1

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Summary: This takes place right after Y/N was taken.


You woke up in a dimly lit room. You tried to move your hands and legs but they didn't move. Looking down at yourself you saw that you were lying on a hospital bed, your hands restrained at your sides and your legs restrained together. 

Suddenly you remembered what happened when you left the clinic. You looked around the room and saw various equipments lying around the room. 

"Hello beautiful, you're finally awake." A voice said. 

Turning your head to your left side you saw Victor walking towards you. "V-Victor." You gasped. "B-But you.." You trailed off. 

"Died?" He completed your sentence. Now standing next to you. "No, princess." He smirked and leaned over you. His lips ghosting over yours. You moved your head away but he grabbed your chin. "No one will save you this time. Not even Johnny." He chuckled darkly. 

"What do you mean?" You asked. 

"Oh, Y/N." Victor said. He let go of your chin. "Because they think you're dead, princess." 

"W-What?" You said. How can you be dead? "N-No. They don't." You tried to hold the tears, clouding your eyes. 

"Yes, they do." Victor said. He removed his long black coat, placing on a table next to you. Then he went behind you. But don't worry. You will forget everything, princess." He came next to you and placed two electrodes to the sides of your forehead. "You won't remember a thing when you wake up next time." He whispered in my ear. "And you'll be all mine."

"No. Please. Let me go, Victor." You pleaded as a tear left your eye. 

But your plea fell on deaf ears as he moved to a machine to your right and turned it on. 

"Sweet dreams, princess." 

You heard a whirling sound before you felt electricity was passed through my head. You screamed in pain as you saw your memories pass in front of your eyes. "Stop. Please! No. No." You screamed. 

But Victor didn't stop the machine. Tears left your eyes as you saw your memories fade away.


The next day.....

You opened your eyes and adjusted to the lighting. You were in a hospital room. "Honey, you okay?" A voice said. 

Then a man came next to you, you didn't remember him or what you were doing in a hospital. "Who are you? What am I doing here?" 

"Y/N, it's me, Victor. You don't remember me?" Victor said, taking your hand in his. Of course he was faking it. He had wiped your memory about your past. 

"No. I-I don't." You said. You removed your hand. 

"What the hell?" Victor said. "Do you remember what happened to you?" 

"No. Who are you and what are you talking about?" You said. 

"I'm your fiance, baby. Oh god. What did he do to you?" Victor said. "I am going to call a doctor." He said and went out of the room. He came back with a doctor. 

"Hello, Ms. Newton. You're awake. I thought you'd be out for more time." He said with a smile. "I'm Dr. Stevens. And from what I heard from Mr. Von Doom is that you are suffering from memory loss." 

"M-Memory loss?" You asked. 

"Yes, ma'am. We'll have to do some tests and then we can understand how much memory you've lost." Dr. Steven said. 

"How long will it take?" Victor said. 

"A few days." The doctor said. 

"Fine. All I want is her memory to come back." Victor said. He knew that the tests they would do were going to be fake. Just to make you believe that you've lost your memory. 

"I'm ready, doctor." You said. 

"Okay then. We'll do the test tomorrow." The doctor said and left. 

Victor sighed, "Don't worry. You will get your memory back soon, princess." He said. "I need to go back to work, but I'll see you in the evening. Bye." Victor and got out the door. 

Coming out, Victor see Dr. Stevens standing outside the room. Leaning against the wall. "Nice acting, William." Victor said to him. 

"Yeah. You too. I hope she believes all this." William said. 

"Just be careful. She's smart." 


I know this is a small chapter but the others will be a bit longer than this.

I hope you like it!!

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