Chapter 7

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"Hey, you okay?" Johnny asked as he sat down next to you. 

You sniffed, "I'm okay." You let out a shaky breath as fresh tears fall down your face. Johnny put his arm around you, pulling you close. You cried as you kept your head on his shoulder. "How could he Johnny? How could he do this?" You said. 

"What he did was wrong. And he will be punished for it." Johnny said, rubbing your arm with his hand. 

"Thank you for bringing me here." You said pulling away from him. 

"Hey, don't thank me. This place is yours as much as it's mine." Johnny said. "I told you we bought it together." Johnny said, wiping your tears with his thumb. "Come on. I'll show you around." He said. 

Johnny stood up from the couch, waiting for you to get up. You looked at him as he gave you his hand and stood up. 

Smiling widely, Johnny led you to a room, "This is the kitchen and dining area." He showed her. 

You looked around the kitchen, smiling while looking at the high chair. Suddenly a flash went through her mind. 

You were making breakfast for you and Johnny. Instead of making pancakes you and decided to make some toast, scrambled eggs and bacon. 

You felt familiar arms being wrapped around your waist, "Good morning, sweetheart." Johnny whispered in your ear and started kissing your neck. His voice still groggy.

"Good morning to you too." You said kissing his cheek. "Where's Coco?" You asked. 

"Still sleeping." Johnny replied, removing his face from your neck after giving it a last kiss. "What you making there?" 

"Toast, eggs and bacon for you." You said. "You said you will be working all day so I made you a big breakfast." 

"Oh, babe." Johnny sighed. "You didn't have to do that." 

Of course I did. I don't want you to faint due lack of food." You said. Looking at him over your shoulder with a big smile on your face. 

Johnny smiled in return and leaned down to kiss your cheek. "Sometimes I wonder what I did to have you in my life.."

You gasped as you looked at the stove. 

"Y/N, you okay?" Johnny asked in concern. 

"I think I remembered something." You said. "L-Like a memory."

"What?" Johnny asked his brows furrowed in confusion. 

"I saw that I was cooking breakfast and the you came behind me and hugged me." You said to him. 

"Y-You remembered?" Johnny stammered, a smile slowly appearing on his face. "That was our morning routine. You always woke up before me and cooked breakfast because you had to go to the clinic. And then I used to come and hug you and we stood like that till breakfast was ready." He spoke as his smile kept growing. "Oh god. We need to tell Reed. This is definitely progress." He said as he removed his phone from his pocket and called Reed. "I'll be right back." He said to you and went in the hallway to talk to Reed. 


"This is shocking." Reed said. Holding your brain scans in his hand. "It's just like normal amnesia." He looked at you. 

"So I can get my memory back?" You asked. 

"Yes, you can." He smiled. "It will take time but like you said you went in the kitchen and saw the memory....." He continued. "..... It was a triggered memory." 

"What's that?" Johnny said. 

"It's when you see someone something or some place which is very special to you, the brain triggers those  specific memories." Reed said. "Sorry, that's how I can explain it. I'm no expert in that field." 

"It's alright. At least we know a way to help her now." Johnny said and looked at you. 

Before you could speak you saw Alicia coming in the lab with Lily in her arms. "I'm sorry, Johnny. She heard your voice and wanted to see you." She said. 

"It's okay. Alicia." Johnny said and took Lilly from her. "Hey, princess. You didn't trouble Aunt Alicia did you?" 


Victor used to call her that. 

Lily shook her head and yawned. "I sweepy." She said and put her head in Johnny's neck. 

"Oh, princess." Johnny kissed her hair. "Let's go downstairs now." Johnny turned to look at you. "You wanna come?" He asked you. 



By the time the four of you reached Johnny's floor. Lily had fallen asleep on Johnny. "Come along. I'll show you the rooms." Johnny said and opened a door to his right. "This is Lily's room." He said and laid Lily down on her bed, tucking her in. He lightly kissed her forehead and walked back towards you. "She'll be out for a few hours. I can show you around till then." 

"Your house takes hours to show around?" You asked. 

Johnny chuckled, "No. I just wanted you to take your time getting comfortable here." 

"Oh, thanks." 

"It's fine, Y/N. Come on, let's restart the tour." He said and motioned for you to follow him. 

Johnny took a few steps and stopped at another door. Johnny opened the door. "This is ou-" Johnny said but was cut off by Coco running out and jumping on you, making you fall to the floor. "Coco." Johnny yelled. 

You laughed as Coco gave you licks and kissed all over your face. "Johnny, help me." You say between laughs. Trying to push Coco off of you. 

Johnny leaned down and lifted Coco off of you. And helped you up. "I'm sorry about him. He just got excited when he saw you." 

"It's fine." You said. 

"So, as I was saying this is our room." He said. You looked around the room awkwardly. Johnny noticed. "Or, should I say was our room." 

"It's fine. I can take the couch if you want." You said. 

"What? No. Y/N, I know it might be uncomfortable but I want you to take the bed and I'll take the couch." Johnny said. "It has some of our photos so it might help you get your memory back."


"Please, Y/N. I insist." Johnny said. 

You sighed, "Okay." 

"Great." Johnny said. "I'll let you go and get comfortable. I still have your old clothes so please help yourself. It's your home as well." He said kissing my forehead. 

"Okay. Thank you, Johnny." You said and stepped in the room. 

"No problem, sweetheart." Johnny said and went to the kitchen. Leaving me with my thoughts.

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