Chapter 2

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Two years later....

It's been two years since you 'died'. And Johnny had had busied himself in finding your killer. Johnny had promised you he won't stop until he found the person who took you away from him. All the police could find about your murderer was that he was a man. Johnny cried, mourned your death but he hadn't moved on from you. 

Many changes had taken place in the lives of the other members of the Fantastic Four as well. But the most important change took place in Johnny's life. 

Johnny had started going on missions after 9 months of your 'death'. On a particular mission, Johnny found a small baby. With no parents. A small girl. The baby looked just a few months old. Her parents died trying to save their baby girl. So they all took the small baby girl in there family and named her Lily. 

Lily had grown closer to Johnny during the time she spent together. Even Johnny loved babysitting her. She was the person who made Johnny smile for the first time after you died. So Johnny took a big step and adopted her, when she was a year old. He thought it would be hard for him to handle a baby on his own. But with the help of others Johnny did it perfectly. He loved Lily and she loved him. Johnny thought he could never be a father after you. But she gave him hope and Johnny loved being a single father. Johnny was over the moon when she called him dada for the first time. 

"Okay, princess. Time for bed. Come on." Johnny said to Lily. He lifted her small frame in his big arms and carried her to her room. Placing her on the bed, Johnny went to her little bookshelf. "Okay, what should we read today?" He asked in his baby voice. 

"Bwue book." Lily said. 

Johnny removed the blue book and sat down at the head on the bed, leaning against the headboard. Lily immediately crawled towards him and sat on his lap. Her head resting on his chest. "Ok, let's start." Johnny said. 

He read the stories for about five minutes before Lily fell asleep on his chest. Carefully Johnny put her down and tucked her in and placed her plush next to her. "Good night, princess." Johnny whispered and kissed her forehead. 

Johnny went to his room quietly and got ready for bed. As soon as he lied down Coco came and lied down on his stomach. Johnny groaned and shifted on his side as he gave belly rubs to Coco. Slowly Johnny drifted to sleep. 

Johnny felt lips on his neck as he slowly woke up. Johnny opened his eyes and saw you hovering above him, kissing his neck. "Good morning to you too." Johnny chuckled and wrapped his arms around you. "Someone's up early, huh?" Johnny said kissing her forehead. 

"Hmm, I wanted some time with you before I went to work." You said as you lifted your head and kissed him. 

"You can have me for your whole life, sweetheart." Johnny said and kissed you again. You slipped your tongue past his lips. Johnny moaned in your mouth and flipped you on your back.

His hands roamed all over your body making you moan loudly. A few minutes later, you heard Coco barking outside your bedroom. "Ignore him. He just wants attention."

But Coco didn't stop. He kept barking. You pulled back and looked at Johnny. "I think you should go and check." You said. 

"It's fine, baby. Keep going." Johnny answered and leaned down to kiss down your throat.

"Johnny..... he won't stop." You moaned out. "Go and check and we'll continue." 

"Okay, fine." Johnny got out of bed after giving you one last kiss and wore his boxers and went out of your bedroom. "Coco." Johnny called out. The barking stopped as Coco appeared in front of Johnny. Only for him to start again. "What is it bud?" Johnny asked him. 

Coco ran in the direction of the kitchen. Johnny followed him to the kitchen to look what Coco was barking at. "Y/N!" Johnny yelled as he saw you lying on the floor. You were covered in blood and your eyes open. Exactly the way he saw you at the crime scene. "Honey. Wake up." Johnny tapped your cheek. He lowered his head to hear your breathing but he didn't hear anything. So he put his hand on your neck to check your pulse. That's when you took a deep breath. "Y/N..." 

"J-Johnny?" You looked at him. "Wh-Why didn't you h-help me?" You managed to say. "Y-You promised you'd p-protect me." You said. "Why didn't you?" You looked at him and let out a breath and closed your eyes. 

"Baby.." Johnny whispered. "Y-Y/N...No. No. Don't leave me! Please. I'm sorry, sweetheart. Please, come back to me." Johnny sobbed out. "Don't leave me." 

"NO!" Johnny woke up breathing heavily. He sat up and brushed his hand through his hair. This was the same nightmare he had since you died. They stopped a while ago. But looks like they were starting again. "Fuck." Johnny whispered. He looked out of the window and saw sunlight coming through the blinds. 

Johnny got up and checked up on Lily. Thank god his scream didn't wake him up. He went to the kitchen and made breakfast. It was Saturday. Johnny and Lily would always take Coco on morning walks on Saturday. 

Johnny prepared breakfast and went to wake Lily. He slowly shook her awake. "Hey, princess. Get up." He said. 

"Dada, sweep." Lily whined. 

"Okay, then I will take Coco to the park alone." Johnny said. Lily immediately sat up on bed and threw her blanket away. Johnny chuckled as picked her up. "Oh, princess. Let's have breakfast and go out." Johnny kissed her cheek as he sat her down on her high chair and fed her before having his own breakfast. 


Third Person POV

"Dada, swing!" Lily exclaimed, pointing at the swing set, in kids section. 

"Yup, let's go." Johnny held her tightly in his as the other held Coco's leash. 

Johnny put Lily in the swing and swung her. "Hold still, princess." Johnny said. 

After the swing Lily sat on Johnny's shoulder as they walked around the park. "Dada, ducks." Lily screamed and turned his head towards the lake using his ears. 

"Yes, princess. What colour are they?" Johnny asked. 

"Yellow." Lily said. 

"That's right, princess." Johnny said, proud of his little baby girl. 

Johnny, Lily and Coco continued their walk but suddenly Coco stopped. "What's wrong, buddy?" Johnny looked at Coco. 

Suddenly Coco started to run in other direction. "Whoa, buddy." Johnny held him by the leash. 

Coco barked and pulled on the leash. Johnny tried to hold him back and balance Lily on his shoulder. "Calm down buddy." Johnny tried to hold him back but his grip on the leash loosened and Coco ran away. "Shit. Coco!" Johnny yelled. 

He pulled Lily off of his shoulder and held her in his arms and ran after Coco. Johnny saw Coco on top of a woman. He was licking her. "Coco." Johnny yelled again. He pulled Coco off of the woman with one hand and held him behind. "I'm so sorry ma'am." Johnny held his hand out for her. "He just ran away." Johnny explained. 

The woman took his hand and stood up and looked at Johnny. "It's fine. He's a cute dog." She said. 

Johnny's eyes widened when he saw the girl standing in front of him. 


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