Chapter 3

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"Y/N." Johnny whispers. Completely in shock. 

"How do you know my name?" Y/N asks. "I've never met you before."

"You- You're alive." Johnny said. He stepped closer to you and cupped your cheek. "How?" 

"Excuse me. What do you mean I'm alive?" Y/N said.  Who are you? How do you know me?" Y/N took a step away from Johnny. Causing his hand to fall down. 

"What?" Johnny furrows his bows in confusion. "Sweetheart. It's me. Johnny." 

"I don't know you, sir." Y/N said. "Maybe you're confusing me with someone else." 

"No. No, baby. I'm not. You're Y/N Richards." Johnny told her. "How? I saw your body that day. I..." Johnny trailed off. 

"I'm sorry. But my name is not Y/N Richards. It's Y/N Newton." Y/N said. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" Johnny asked. 

"I think I am going to go." Y/N said and started walking away. Johnny just stood there in shock. Watching  you go away. 

How is she alive? What the hell is going on? Johnny thought. 

"Dada. Who that?" Lily said and Johnny snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at Lily pointing in the direction you went. 

"That was your mommy, princess." Johnny said to her. 

"Mommy?" Lily questioned. 

Johnny knew it was Y/N. He was sure. Those eyes, those lips, he knew them very well. 

"I'll explain it later, princess." Johnny kissed her cheek. "Let's go home." He said.


Johnny drove to the tower as fast as he could and went to Reed's floor. "Reed!" Johnny yelled as he ran into the kitchen, with Coco on his tail. He saw all of them sitting around the small table.  "Reed." Johnny panted. 

"Johnny. What's wrong?" Reed asked. "Why are you out of breath?" 

"Sue, hold her." Johnny said and handed Lily to Sue who was standing next to Reed. "Oh god. How do I explain? I don't know." Johnny said. 

"Johnny. Sit down." Sue said. 

Johnny sat on the stool near the kitchen island as Sue gave him a glass of water to him and to Lily as well. "I..... I saw Y/N." Johnny said. He downed the glass with just one gulp. 

"Johnny." Sue said. "Not again." 

"No, Sue I'm not lying." Johnny said. "I saw her." 

"Johnny. Can you tell us what happened?" Reed said. "You looked shocked." 

"W-We went to park as usual and when we were walking Coco started to bark and tried to run away. I tried holding him back but he my grip loosened and he ran away. When I chased him I saw him on top of a girl. He was licking her. I pulled Coco off of her and helped her up." Johnny gripped the glass hard. "I saw her face. It was Y/N." 

"Johnny are you sure you didn't hallucinated?" Reed asked. 

"No, Reed. I didn't." Johnny said. A small sob escaped his lips. 

"Johnny. I know you loved her a lot. But... she's dead." Sue said. 

"No, Sue. Trust me. Even if I hallucinated but Coco saw her. He must have got her smell. Why else would he run to her?" 

"You are saying we should believe a dog?" Ben said. 

"Ben." Reed warned him. "Don't." Reed turned to Johnny. "Look. She was my sister. I loved her as much as you did. But we have to accept the fact that she's gone."

"Please. Guys believe me. She's alive. I know it." 

"Johnny..." Sue started. 

"Fine. Don't believe me!" Johnny yelled at them. "I know she's alive! Even if you don't believe me." Johnny got up and took Lily from Sue. "Come on, Coco." He said and Coco went after his human. 

Johnny went straight to his kitchen and sat Lily on her chair and paced the kitchen. He needed to do something. He needed proof. 

Johnny fished his phone out of hid pocket and dialed a number. "Hello?" Johnny said. 

"Hey, Johnny. What's up?" Paul answered.

Paul Diskant was the officer that was investigating your case. He and Johnny had become good friends during the investigation. 

"Are you free right now?" Johnny asked. 

"No, but I will be in an hour." Paul answered. 

"I need to talk to you. It's urgent." Johnny said. "Can you come over?"

"Okay. I'll be there. Bye Johnny." Paul said and ended the call. 


"So you're telling me that you saw Y/N?" Paul asked Johnny. 

"Yes." Johnny said taking a sip of his beer. "I know this is something that no one would believe, but...... I know what I saw. It was her. I would identify her anywhere." 

Paul sighed. "Okay. What do you want me to do?" 

"I need you to find her." Johnny said. 

"Is there anything she said that felt weird or anything?"  

"Yeah. When I told her who she was, she said her name is Y/N Newton, not Y/N Richards." Johnny said. 

"Fine. Where did you see her exactly?" 

"Near the jogging track." Johnny said. 

"Okay." Paul got up. "I'll see what I can do." Johnny nodded and got up as well. 

"Dada." They heard a sweet little voice behind them. 

Johnny looked at Lily. "Yes, princess?" 

"I hungwy." She said. 

"Oh, my baby. Come here." Johnny said and opened his arms for her. Picking her up, he sat her down on her chair. "I will come back in a minute okay?" He said and kissed her head. 

Johnny walked Paul to the elevator. "It suits you." He said. 

"What?" Johnny asked. 

"Being a father suits you." Paul answered. 

Johnny smiled at him, "Thanks, Paul." 

"Anytime, man." Paul said and patted Johnny's shoulder. "I'll call if I get anything. Okay?" 

"Yeah." Johnny said. "Bye." 

"Bye." Paul said and stepped in the elevator and left. 

Johnny went back to the kitchen, "Hey, princess." Johnny said to Lily. "What do you want?" 

"Pizza." She squealed. 

"Pizza, huh?" Johnny asked. Lilly nodded. "Okay." Johnny got the remaining pizza out of the refrigerator and heated it up. Lily whined behind him as it heated. "Just a minute, baby." 

The pizza finally heated and Johnny gave Lily a slice of pizza, which is always enough for her and took the rest for himself. 

"Let's eat, princess."    


Meanwhile you had made it back to your home. Your small encounter with the man really confused you. You didn't know him but his blue eyes felt familiar to you. 

"Hey, princess." A voice snapped you out of your thoughts. 

"Victor." You gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. 

"How was your day?" He asked. 

You thought about telling Victor about the man, but didn't. You shook your head and smiled at him. "It was good. Felt good to go out." You lied. 

"Okay. Lunch is ready of you want." He said. 

"Yeah. I'm very hungry." 

"Good." He said and pecked your lips. "Let's go."

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