Chapter 5

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"Thanks." You said to the taxi driver as you payed him and stepped out the taxi. Turning around you looked at the Baxter Building. 

Taking a deep breath you entered the building and saw Johnny leaning against the wall next to the elevator. "Hey." He said as he saw you walking towards him. 

"Hi." You said when you reached near him. 

"You ready?" Johnny asked you. 

"Yeah." You said. 

Johnny nodded in response and clicked the button. "You okay?" He asked. 

"Yes, just nervous." 

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." He assured you. The elevator doors opened. "Come on, let's go." 

Both of you stepped inside and Johnny punched in his floor number. "You have the whole floor?" You said as you stepped out. 

Johnny chuckled, "Yeah. We bought it after we got engaged." He said and looked at  you awkwardly. 

"Oh." You said. 

"Anyways. we should go they are waiting." Johnny said and placed a hand on the small on your back, leading you to the living room. You saw four people sitting on the couches. "Hey guys. Look who's here." Johnny said to them. 

All of them turned there heads and gasped when they saw you. A man stood up and walked up to you. He had the same expression Johnny had when he saw you for the first time. "How?" He asked. 

"This is Reed. Your brother." Johnny said to you.

"H-Hi, Reed." You said to him. 

Instead of answering Reed just hugged you to him. "You're alive." He said. You stood there unable to move. It was your first human contact other than Victor. So you just wrapped your arms around him. Not knowing what to say. 

Reed eventually pulled away. "Let's sit down and talk, shall we?" Johnny said. Johnny lead you to a empty couch and sat down beside you as Reed sat in front of you. "This is Sue, my sister. And this is Ben and his girlfriend Alicia." He said pointing at the other people in the room. 

"Hi." You said. 

"I'm sorry we didn't believe you Johnny." Sue said. 

"It's okay, Sue." Johnny said. 

"How did you find her?" Ben asked. "I thought you were hallucinating when you said you saw her." 

Johnny took a deep breath and told them what happened during those five days. How he met her again and told her. 

"Wow." Reed muttered. "But how did Victor brainwash you?" He asked. "And even if he wiped Johnny from your memories you should have remembered me." 

"I don't know what he did. All I know is that I woke up and he was there that's all." You said. 

"So what do we do now?" Ben asked. 

"I think we should tell the police." Johnny said. 

"No offense but, do you think they will believe our story?" Alicia asked. 

"Then we gather proof." Reed said. "We should do a blood test and match your blood with me. So we can tell them that it is you and not just a look alike."   

"Wow. You are smart." You said with a small laugh.

"I am a scientist, munchkin." He said with a small smile.

"But how do we bring Victor out?" Sue asked. 

"Yeah, that's gonna be a problem." Johnny said. "When is he coming home?" He asked you. 

"I don't know. He said a few days." You asked him. 

"We'll do something about that later. Let's start with proving that you are you." Johnny said. 

"Yeah." You said. 


"It's a match." Reed said as he looked up from his microscope. "I'll write down the results." He said and walked out of the room. 

You sighed as you sat on your chair. You never thought this would happen in your life. That you weren't who you thought you were. "Hey, you okay?" Johnny asked putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah. Just taking it all in." You said and smiled at him. 

Johnny returned your smile with a small one. He sat down next to you. "I understand." 

"Can I ask you something?" 


"How did you know where I was when we met yesterday?" You asked. 

"I have a friend who is a cop. He is the one investigating your case as well. So I told him what happened and he was keeping a n eye on you. He told me when you went to the park." 

"You had someone following me?" You said. 

"No. I just wanted to make sure that you were really here and that I wasn't hallucinating. It has happened a lot before." He sighed and closed his eyes. "Just wanted to make sure."

You nodded in response. A silence fell between both of you. "I think I know how to bring Victor in front of the police." You said after a few minutes.


You turned the chair to face him and explained your plan to him. 

"We can do that." Johnny asked. "I'll contact Paul and tell him too. Can you give me your number?" 

"Oh. Uh I didn't bring my phone with me." You said. "I had a argument with Victor yesterday." You sighed. "I left it at home so he won't be able to contact me when I came here." 

Johnny hummed in response. "Wait." He said and paused. "Come with me. I know how we can contact each other." He stood up and held his hand out for you to take. 

You stood and took his hand as you followed him back to his floor and to his bedroom. He went inside the closet and came back with a cellphone. "It's your old cellphone. The police gave it back after investigation." He held the phone in his hand and showed you. 

"You kept it?" You asked him. 

"Yeah." He said scratching his neck. "I kept all your stuff as it is. Your clothes are still in the closet as well as your books and other belongings." 


"I wasn't ready to let you go, so I kept everything." Johnny said in a low voice. You figured it must have been hard for him to go through whatever had happened.

"I'm sorry." 

"Hey, don't apologize, it isn't your fault." He said. "Your number is still in it. So you can contact me and we can conduct our plan." 

You took the phone from him and unlocked it. A photo of you and him popping on the home screen. "Thanks. I'll see what to do." You said stuffing the phone in your pocket.

"Let's go back up and tell the others." Johnny said. 

"Yeah. Let's go." 

Lost and Found ~ Johnny StormWhere stories live. Discover now