Sovereign's Bio

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Name: UNS Sovereign

Namesake: The naming convention follows famous monarchs throughout history.

Alias: The Hammer
- This alias was earned by him for partaking exclusively in offensive missions with unmatched aggression.

Class: Sovereign-class Fast Battleship

Gender: Male

Eye Color: Carmine Red

Hair Color: Pure White

Height: 193 cm

Sovereign is a tall, toned man in his early 30's. His expression always appears serious, no matter the situation. His hair is straight and well-kept. Wears typical military garb: Tall leather boots, trousers, and a trench coat. His trench coat has the inscription 'UNS Sovereign' sewn into it at the bottom left.

Rigging Appearance:
Sovereign's rigging is massive. Three 3-gun turrets armed with 35 inch (889 mm) naval railguns are the dominant of the bottom half of his rigging. Two on the left and 1 on the right. VLS cells are located in front of the A and B Turrets on the left and on the sides of his superstructure. His superstructure is mounted behind him, shifted slightly to the right. Eight Guardian CIWS are spread equally around his rigging. The aft section also features a large helicopter landing pad. The most eye-catching feature however is the large fusion reactor directly behind him. Energy flows from it in the shape of a cross. This 'Cross' is surrounded by olive wreaths, a symbol of the UN.


1) Ship Control: Much like any other shipgirl, Sovereign is able to control his ship's every and any movement with simple mental commands. 

2) Rigging: Sovereign is able to manifest his ship's parts onto his body like all other shipgirls. He has an innate ability to manifest a mere part of his ship; an ability he will have to discover over time... perhaps with very... radical means.

3) Sword Manifestation: Sovereign is able to manifest his sword at any time and also disappear. A soft flash of blue electrical arcs preludes its summoning or dispelling.

4) Flight: Much like Sirens and carriers, he can fly. Except in his case, it is made possible by highly advanced gravity manipulation technology instead of a mysterious, probably made-up force.

5) Energy Shielding: Sovereign is equipped with highly advanced energy shielding. Its only downside is the massive amounts of heat generated when absorbing a hit. When overheated, the entire shielding apparatus fails.

6) Siren Annihilation: Sovereign is capable of infusing his projectiles and sword with a tremendous electrical current directly from his reactor, capable of annihilating sirens.

7) Superior Situational Awareness: Due to highly advanced sensor technology based on tachyon beams, Sovereign can fight and sense objects in any weather conditions.

8) Strength: Due to being a battleship, Sovereign can lift even cruisers with relative ease. Also, he can put the entire weight of his ship into a strike to achieve devastating effects.

9) Speed: Due to being an incredibly fast battleship capable of outrunning even destroyers, Sovereign is unnaturally fast.

Fighting Style: Sovereign is extremely skilled when it comes to swords. However, he rarely uses his sword, as he considers it pointless when one is equipped with such powerful armament. He mainly relies on his main armament, secondaries, and missiles to defeat his opponents before they have a chance to retaliate. Except when facing a powerful opponent, in which case he often does use his sword in tandem with his guns.

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