Chapter 14 - A Promise Fulfilled

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3rd Person POV

New York, Eagle Union

"Life could be likened to a seed..."

It was Summer 1943. June to be exact.

Life has sprung again, flowers in full bloom as they woke up from their cold tomb. The wind was strong today, the branches and vibrant leaves rustling under its force as it blew through the entire base. The said leaves also provided ample cover from the blistering heat of the sun's searing glare, many taking refuged under, or perhaps in the trees. The clouds spiraled in the air, interesting patterns emerging from the puffy clouds; too high to throw shade onto the ground. 

Normally, one would marvel at the beauty; Cleveland, Monarch, and Sovereign being the most likely ― sitting still in their cool office as butterflies fluttered past their windows, simply enjoying the life that the Summer brought forth. But Cleveland, and Monarch, had different priorities, and couldn't enjoy the simple dance performed by the small insects. She couldn't muster the concentration needed.

And neither could Sovereign.

"A seed needs to be tended to; nurtured..."

"There's... nothing I can do."

The air was thick and heavy in stark contrast to the cheerful heat outside. Cleveland sat beside Sovereign's bed, the now frail battleship laid atop the thin covers. Vestal stood off to the side, despondent as their eyes laid on the weak ship. His skin was pale and breathing shallow, even the smallest breaths taking visible effort. Cleveland was on the very edge of breaking, each breath broken and jittery as a storm of emotions raged deep within her core. 

"A... Are you s-sure?" Cleveland asked the repair ship, straining to not break into a torrential flood of tears. 

"And as such, it needs to be cherished..."

Vestal could only nod, sorrow clear on her face as she stood at the foot of his bed. "There's nothing I can do... nor anyone, really. His wisdom cube is far too damaged to be repaired."

Cleveland closed her eyes, exhaling slowly as she held Sovereign's hand, gently caressing his appendage. She knew; she knew this would perhaps be the last time she would be able to feel his touch, but there was an underlining sadness even in the usually comforting touch... it was cold.

"And when the flower blooms under your careful tending, it'll spark brilliance into this cruel, unforgiving world..."

Vestal sighed, her eyes glinting with a calm sadness. "We knew this would happen one day... time just... it all happened too quickly..."

Cleveland murmured a quiet agreement, not taking her eyes away from Sovereign's face. She knew this would come one day, right from the time he nearly collapsed after their wedding ― an event she held dear to her heart. She pretended it wouldn't happen. She refused to acknowledge it. She refused to believe it was terminal. It was merely temporary... right? But now as she observed her partner; her companion; her husband withering away with the slow flow of time... it broke her heart.

"But even a force as resilient as nature abides by the laws of time..."

With nothing else to say, Vestal quietly left the room, leaving Cleveland alone with her husband. They all knew it, despite being unsaid.

Sovereign wouldn't survive the hour. A bitter truth.

Sovereign's chest rose and fell slowly, his half-lidded cloudy eyes flickering to Cleveland. "... Don't... be... so... sad... Cleve..."

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