Chapter 11 - Orochi's Demise

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(A/N): How strong do you think the humanoid Sirens are? Perhaps on a scale based on shipgirls.
Personally, I think this:

Arbiters: Undefeatable for normal shipgirls. Requires the entire fleet and some prototype ships to have a chance at victory. (Unless Sovereign because yes)

Elites (Purifier, Observer Alpha): Feasible to defeat singlehandedly with extreme effort. Requires a sizable portion of the fleet for normal operations.

Standard (Explorer, Scavenger): Can be defeated singlehandedly by one shipgirl, albeit a very powerful one like Enterprise.

3rd Person POV

Pearl Harbor, Azur Lane

A new day has come; the quick tweeting of birds fluttering through the air signaling its arrival. The Sun had begun to rise over the horizon, a scant few clouds obscuring its shine, which painted the sky a pale lavender; the darkness of the night waning more by the minute. The air was warm but not unbearably hot; a light breeze blowing throughout the base making the temperature fall to an even more comfortable level.

And Sovereign's room shared the same comfortable and peaceful feeling, him and his partner resting peacefully in each other's embrace.

Sovereign stirred from his slumber with a low groan, shifting slightly with the wrinkled bedsheets below him shifting. He moved one of his hands up, rubbing at his face in an attempt to clear them of the built-up debris. His other arm subconsciously shifted to the lamp beside him and turned it on. The hand he rubbed his eyes with shifted up to his hair, running through it as his mind struggled to start up.

A little shifting movement caught his eye and glanced down ― his face reddening, but mainly his lips curling into a small smile as he laid his eyes upon Cleveland's sleeping frame, her small breasts pushing up against him. He smiled at the pleasant memories of yesterday; one hand reaching out to Cleveland's shoulder, gently rocking her.

"Mnh~." Cleveland shifted slightly ― before her crimson eyes slowly opened and laid on his dimly lit figure, grogginess still evident in her eyes.

"Morning dear~," Sovereign cooed, shifting slightly up and pecking her forehead and clearing her face of stray strands of hair.

Cleveland stared at his close face for a second ― before an equally warm smile formed on her face. "...Mnh. Good morning." She looked slightly down; her eyes lying on his bare chest. It was a small mercy that he was so close, hiding anything below chest level; however, that did not prevent her cheeks from being dusted by a dark red blush.

Sovereign stifled a small laugh at her cute reaction and shifted back down, kissing her lightly on the lips. It was a slow, gentle kiss that neither tried to deepen ― enjoying the romantic moment.

He slowly parted. "We should get dressed..." he murmured. "And take a shower as well."

The naked cruiser hummed softly. "Do you want to go first? Or should I go?"

An idea struck Sovereign. "How about we both go in?"

Cleveland's breath hitched and blushed a cute pink. She stumbled on her words as she tried to find the right ones to use before finally settling on a meek 'Ok'. Sovereign chuckled lightly at her reply, finding it immensely cute. He rolled over to the other side, nearly falling off of his bed, only prevented by him getting up. He stood up, his tiredness seemingly disappearing at the sight of his exceedingly cute partner.  

Cleveland covered her breasts with an arm around them, shyly getting up with her legs clamped. Sovereign offered her his hand; prompting the cruiser to take it. With a light smile, he led her out of his room across the hall, their bare feet failing to shield them from the uncomfortable cold of the metal floor. He opened the door right before him with a small click. The bathroom was not large, but surprisingly decorated for being on a ship, the shower located at the end of the room; a white curtain pulled to the side that could act as cover. A toilet sat to the right and a sink right next to it, separated only by a couple of mere centimeters. The metallic sheen was bright against his eyes as he flipped a switch and turned the lights on.

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