Chapter 2 - Introduction

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3rd Person POV

Azur Lane

After mooring his ship at the docks, Sovereign came down to the platform where Enterprise was waiting.

Sovereign looked around, noticing the damage caused by the Sirens to the dock and the ships.

"Are they alright?" asked Sovereign, concerned for the wellbeing of the other shipgirls.

"They'll recover," answered Enterprise while looking at his ship, amazed not only by its construction but its size as well.

"I've never seen a ship such as yours," said Enterprise, gazing at your main battery.

Sovereign nodded in response.

"Follow me," said Enterprise and walked off Sovereign following.

As they were walking, eyes were fixed on the battleship, making him slightly uncomfortable.

"Why are they looking at me like that?" he asked Enterprise. "First time seeing a male?"

"Yes, actually," she responded, surprising Sovereign. "You are the first male ship we encountered thus far. Seeing as most ships are referred to as female, the fact that a male ship exists is shocking to us,"

"I see..."

'Oh good lord. This cannot end well.' He thought, not knowing how to feel after learning of the fact.

The pair walked in silence, walking across the entire base with no lack of stares directed at Sovereign. after some time, they arrived at the academy, stopping before it.

"Follow me," said Enterprise again, opening the doors and going inside, leading Sovereign through a maze of corridors.

"Are you certain you aren't leading me through a maze into a dungeon?" questioned Sovereign. 'The halls in my ship are less disorienting than this place.'

Eventually, they arrived at a large set of oak doors and entered.

Wales and several other girls turned their heads. "Ah, Enterprise. I'm glad you're here," she said, turning to Sovereign. "You must be the male ship. I am Prince of Wales, King George V-class battleship."

"Pleasure to meet you," he responded. Shifting his gaze, he spotted two women sitting on the couches.

"Sup', I'm Cleveland, CL-55," she introduced herself with a wave. "Nice to meet ya'."

"Greetings. I am the armored aircraft carrier Illustrious of the Royal Navy." the gentle-looking woman introduced.

Nodding, his eyes shifted back to Wales. "So I assume you have questions?"

"That we do," stated Wales, sitting down on one of the couches. "Please, sit."

Sovereign obliged and sat down onto the comfortable green couch, crossing his legs.

"To start, who are you?" Wales asked

"UNS Sovereign, BBX-01 Sovereign-class fusion-powered battleship, flagship of the combined Pacific Fleet," Sovereign replied, utilizing his full introduction.

"Fusion powered?"

"In layman's terms, I am powered in the same manner as the Sun, generating a tremendous amount of energy for my use," Sovereign explained.

This revelation shocked the girls in the room.

"In the same manner as the Sun?!" everyone shouted, disbelief clear in their eyes.

"Indeed," Sovereign replied, understanding their shock.

The girls exchanged looks, turning back to him after a while. "Moving on," said Wales, shock still underlining her words. "What faction are you from?"

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