Chapter 1: The Encanto!

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The walk to the Encanto is long and tiring, but my papa said that I would most likely love the town and the people there; so I kept my perseverance strong. "It's not long now mi vida!" papa said with glee in his voice, I love my pa, he's the only thing I have left after my mama left us for some man richer than him. The word hate isn't strong enough to describe how I feel towards her. I never really got along with my mama, so I don't feel any remorse about all the arguments I've had with her. Although I could tell that my mama leaving had taken a turn on him, even though he tried to keep this act up for me.

Because of all that had happened recently, he decided to move back to his home town and take me with him as a way to try and forget her, a way to take a breather.

"Look! We're here mi vida!" even though I was looking down, I could practically hear the smile on his face. Moving a branch out of the way, the suns warm rays meet my skin, my eyes wandering until they settle on a beautiful town. Already sliding down the hill, my papa called out for me breaking my eye contact with the breath taking view.

The moment we got closer to the town, I could already hear the laughter and joy radiating from it, little children playing with smiles on their faces. Everyone seemed to know and share the same love for this place.

"My, is that really you Alejandro?" an older lady had said, who had a wide smile on her face, "I haven't seen you in forever! We all thought you weren't going to come back after moving with that woman you met, speaking of, where is she?" the smile on my papa's face slightly dropped. She seemed to get the hint that he didn't want to talk about her.

"Oh and who is this? She is very beautiful!" Changing the subject, more and more people decided to come and see what the commotion was about. The town's people began to whisper to each other about how much my papa had changed, "This is my wonderful daughter, (Y/N)." I took this as a sign to introduce myself, "Hello, it's nice to finally meet you all!" I spoke while smiling, hopefully that was good.

Erupting into chatter and bliss, the crowd was delighted; my introduction seems to have gone well. Pleasing music began to play and many people began dancing. I could tell I would love this place already.

*:..(Some time later)..:*

Finally settling down in my Abuela's home, she called us down for dinner. In my opinion, no one could beat my Abuela's cooking. Not even my papa. As I was eating she mentioned something about a gift ceremony that we had been invited to, a ceremony meant free food and really good music so of course I said I would go too. Soon after I went back upstairs to unpack more of my belongings, my Abuela came in with what seems to  be a skirt. "This used to be your Tia's skirt when she was your age, I hope you like it as must as she did." The skirt was simply captivating, it's bright colour and the way it swayed was just mesmerising. "Thank you so much Abuela! It's beautiful!"

The moment she left I immediately tried it on, it fit perfectly. Spinning around my room, I was laughing about how fun it was to twirl in it. I figured it was pretty late considering the fact that it was already very dark and the lights in people's home were turning off one by one. Keeping this in mind, I decided to quickly finish what I was doing and head to bed. I figured I had a long day ahead of me.

*:..(Someone's pov..)..:*

It was like any other night, people finally quieting down, giving me some peace at mind. But, there was this one voice that was laughing while spinning around, what a strange activity to do at this time of night. Eventually it stopped and was replaced with shuffling, based of what I'm hearing, she's going to bed. Just after I thought it all stopped, she giggled and started talking to herself, "I can't wait to meet everyone tomorrow.." her breathing was slowing down and her eyes began to close. All my suspicions of this girl and her papa were cleared just from this one night. My eyes began to feel heavy, and I drifted to sleep.

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