Chapter 11: The finale! (edited)

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*:..(Y/N's pov)..:*

It's finally time for prom! I was at Mirabel's to get ready and the sort. Isabela was doing my hair while Dolores was doing my makeup, in the meantime, Mira was putting her dress on, I felt Isa grow some flowers that matched the colour of my dress and put them in my hair. Just as Mira finished putting her dress on, both Isa and Dolores gave each other a glace of accomplishment.

When Mira saw me her eyes widened. "Y/N you look... beautiful!" She squealed. "You look amazing too Mira! Now let's go see our dates!" I said, barely containing my excitement.

My mind started racing, what if he didn't like my dress? What if we don't match, what if he doesn't want to go with me anymore? Stop it Y/N! He'll like the dress, and they will match you had this conversation with him before.

Mira and I slowly walked down the stairs and I could see the boys waiting for us downstairs. Camilo was getting his tie fixed, knowing him he probably doesn't know how to tie a tie and most likely put a knot in it.

Walking slightly faster, they finally turned around.

Our eyes met. Those gorgeous hazel eyes met mine. They looked me up and down and smiled. His cheeks had a rosy hue to them as I came up closer to him. "Princesa you look like a true reina, I'm so happy-" He started saying before I cut him off. "Stop with the sappy stuff, you'll make me cry and I don't want my makeup to run!" I said wiping the small tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

Pepa started taking pictures of us, our group smiled before it was time to finally go to prom!

The whole town was decorated with flowers, lights and the like, I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be a fireworks show later tonight, I can't wait!

People and their dates started flooding the town's streets and made their way to the school. The weather was supposed to be very nice tonight so I don't think there will be any rain unless Pepa decides to change that. Though I doubt she will! I mean it's her son's prom night, so at least she'll try to keep it in for at least tonight.

We finally made it to the school gates, bright lights could be seen from inside the hall, the smell of arepas filled my senses. After all, prom means free food!

I found us a free table for four and sat down, the song that was playing at the moment was pretty shit and my feet already hurt from these heels. I felt a presence join me at our table, however it wasn't Camilo, Mirabel or Carlos.

Rather it was some random boy from a different class, he reeked of alcohol, must have snuck some in. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone? Why don't we go and dance?" He managed to slur some words out. "I have a date but I'm just waiting for him to bring us some food, so, if you wouldn't mind leaving me alone that would be great," I spoke quite harshly, I really didn't want to deal with this right now.

"Yeah she's with me so if you wouldn't mind pissing off that'd be great," Camilo said, I could feel the cold glare he was giving the guy behind me. Poor guy to be fair.

Just as the boy finally went away, my favourite song began playing! I immediately got to my feet and pulled Camilo to the 'dance' floor. "Woah there, bit eager are we?" Camilo asked me, smiling. "It's my favourite song so shut it and come dance with me!"

We started swaying to the music and as it started speeding up he began spinning me and matched his waist to mine. I remember when we danced like this at Antonio's ceremony. That night was so fun!

Soon enough the song was over and we went back to the table, where we found Mira and Carlos making out. I mean at least they're finally together I think? "Go Mira! That's my girl!" I screamed over the loud music. As a result, she smiled and deepened the kiss even more. Woah she's being bold tonight!

"It's kind of loud here don't you think?" Camilo shouted his voice fighting over the music. "Yea it is quite loud huh?" I shouted back, hoping that he had heard me. "How about we ditch this place and go somewhere a bit more quiet?" Camilo once again yelled. I nodded my head in response, I wasn't in the mood to lose my voice at all.

He grabbed my hand in the gentlest way possible and started leading me out of the building. Snaking through the large number of people we finally made it out.

When we felt the cold breeze hit us, we started running, I don't know where yet but Camilo seems he does. I trust him. I trust him with my life.

I never thought that a person could make me feel so many emotions, strong ones at that.

When we stopped running, we found ourselves at the bridge. The water slowly rippled beneath us. His hand still in mine, he softly pulled me more onto the bridge. The cold wind hit my skin but before the next gust could hit me, I felt something being put around my shoulders. Camilo was letting me wear his jacket. "Thank you," I smiled.

Looking over at the moon, my eyes settled on a single flower that was illuminated by its glow.

"The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?" He broke the silence. "Yes, it is," I replied looking deeply into his eyes.

He took my hand in his ever so delicately. "Y/N before you, I had never understood love songs and sappy poems. My heart had never found a home in someone else. I hadn't thought about sharing my future with someone. I find myself tearing up over the beauty held in song lyrics. I find a smile creeping across my face when I read those stupid love poems. I find myself daydreaming about weddings and 'some days' and a future with you." He paused. Was this really what I thought it was? My cheeks began to feel hot.

"I've made a home in you, in the way that you smile, in the way that you laugh, in the way that you love. when someone asks me where home is, I always think of you. What I'm trying to say Y/N is,

I'm madly in love with you.

I have been for a long while now, but I understand if you don't feel the same wa-"

I once again cut him off, but this time with a kiss. Fireworks began to go off as soon as it happened. It's finally happened. Camilo Madrigal feels the same way that I feel about him.

Breaking the kiss, I smiled and put my forehead against his. "So does this mean you feel the same way?" He asked, I looked at him with an annoyed stare. "Ok ok, I'm only joking!" He said laughing, giving me a peck on the lips.

Holding my waist, he leaned his head on mine and whispered, "So does this mean you're at last Mi Princesa?"

Overlooking the fireworks, I chuckled.

"Yes, yes it does mi corazón."


There we have it, the actual, detailed ending! I saw how many people were reading this and it gave me the motivation to do the proper last chapter. I felt as if the old final chapter was a bit disappointing so here we are!

Thank you so so much for reading this story and I apologize for the previous crappy finale.

I hoped you enjoyed Mi Princesa!

Have a wonderful day/night <3

word count: 1316

word count for full story: 21,751

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