Chapter 3: School!

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"This is going to be the worst."

*:..(Y/N's pov.)..:*

The moment I saw the school gates, the second I saw the sheer amount of people, I already knew that this would be purgatory. All my optimistic thoughts were thrown right out of the window. As I was about to turn around and march straight back home, a pair of arms engulfed me in a warm embrace. The sound of giggles filled my ears, "Good morning (Y/N)! I didn't know you'd be coming to school here." Mirabel's soft voice caught my attention. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Throughout our conversation, we figured out we would be in the same class, which only made me feel even better about the whole situation. The gossip that came from behind the doors (that I assumed was coming from our classroom) was most definitely louder than all the rest. A high pitched giggle was the most distinctive voice out of them all, and the second we walked into the classroom my eyes met with familiar ones. They widened as Mirabel pulled me to the desk next to hers.

"Camilooo, stop staring at that new girl and help me," I recognised this voice to be the same as the giggles that I heard outside. I already knew she would be annoying.

"Adria why don't you ask someone else to help you? I'm busy at the moment," Camilo responded with little to no interest, while hopping of the desk that he was sat on, making his way towards Mirabel and I. "Good morning señor popular," Mirabel snickered. "Mirabel I told you to stop calling me that! I don't even enjoy being around them anymore.." He whispered that last part to us. I could just feel eyes glaring at the back of my head the moment the three of us started talking. The bell rang shortly and everyone sat at their seats, "Talk to you at break?" Camilo asked us, Mirabel and I shared a glance before nodding back to him. A smile spread across his face. He looked almost tired of being with the people that crowded around him earlier this morning- " Camilo! Sit properly!" A booming voice entered the room, I'm guessing this is the teacher. Mr. Santiago was it?

*:..(After lesson.)..:*

"How can a person's voice be so boring!" I groaned, slamming my head on my desk. A chuckle escaped Mirabel's lips as a certain someone strode towards us. "He's a pain isn't he?" Camilo sighed. It looked as if he had an idea because the bored expression on his face was replaced with a grin. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes. I looked at him with anticipation as his left eye peeked open to check if I was watching. What a dork, I smiled.

An exact copy of Mr. Santiago was now before us and was saying random nonsense about maths. I can't lie this was hilarious. Laughs slid their way out mine and Mirabel's mouths. A familiar voice then filled our ears and the smile on Camilo's face faded. 

It was Adria. "Camilo stop talking to these losers and come and talk to us instead, we're really bored, how about you turn into someone, yeah?" She smiled while latching herself on his arm. "Entertain yourselves, and they're not losers." He said while untangling himself from her grip and moving in between Mirabel and I. I've been here for less than an hour and she's already gotten on my nerves.

"Why are you taking their side Camilo, we're your friends aren't we?" Her smile was sickly sweet as her face was caked in foundation. "You think we didn't notice how you started talking shit as soon as he came over here? Some friends you are. Now leave us alone, would you?" I said not even looking at her. With this she left, she didn't think people could hear her at the back of the classroom. It's hard not  to hear her with that loud high pitched voice of hers. The bell rang and instead of going back to his 'friends' Camilo took a seat next to me. I don't particularly mind as I consider him my friend.

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