Chapter 9: Summer break!

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*:..(Camilo pov.)..:*

I sat there in shock. Watching her drift away, I placed a hand on the cheek she kissed. (Y/N), just, kissed me! Dios mio, this is the best day ever! I started fist bumping the air and yelled "Best birthday ever!"

After celebrating for a while, I decided it was about time I went home. In an amazing mood, may I add. When I arrived home, I was going straight to my room when Dolores stopped me. Then behind her appeared Mirabel, Luisa and Isabela. Oh no.. "You seem to be in a good mood." Mirabel said, with this smug look on her face. "Is there something you want to tell us?" Isabela said, I turned to look at Luisa and she also had a grin plastered on her face. There's no getting out of this one.. "Tell you whattt.." I replied, turning into a kid and bolting to my room. "Oh no you don't!" Isabela shouted, growing a vine to catch me. I was now upside down, dangling in the air. If I want to see the light of day again, I have to tell them everything.. Here goes nothing.

"... And that's what happened. You happy now?" I asked, finishing explaining what happened just before I came home. I glanced at them because I got no answer and they were all squealing. I don't have any idea what's going on right now! They all started speaking really fast with one another and all I caught from it was "Invite (Y/N) for the next girl's night!" I took this as an opportunity to slip out their grasp and head for my room.

Laying down on my bed, I looked at the bear on my bedside table. Feeling my heart rate go up, I took the bear and hugged it tightly. We only have one last week of school before we start summer break, me and Carlos have already planned our first week out! I can't wait! But first I have to get a good report card, otherwise... To put it short, I don't think I'll be going out that much.

*:..(After some time.)..:*

The morning of our last day finally came. I hope I got at least average, Mr. Santiago came in with a bunch of envelopes. He gave his little teacher speech of 'so proud' and 'not so proud of others'. The classroom was really hot and I just want to out of here, dios mio how long does it take to give out some envelopes! Finally he got over to our tables. Each of us got their envelopes, but we decided to wait until break to open them together. The lesson ended quickly as it was more laid back since, last day and all that. So the moment the bell rang, we all packed in together and opened them on the count of three.

Mirabel squealed and showed us her report, she did amazingly! Not surprising though, it is Mirabel after all. Carlos' face was blank, guessing he didn't do so well. I looked at my own results and.. I got just above average! Good job me, I knew you could do it! Glancing at (Y/N) she had a smile on her face, she turned her sheet around and it said she did really well, just like Mirabel. Guess all those nights she spent revising paid off.

Carlos told us that his parents weren't too strict about his results so he said he'd still be able to pull off our plan. The girls got confused and started asking about said 'plan'. Thankfully the bell rang which meant lesson was about to start again. I never used to think 'saved by the bell' was a thing until now. Although that was short lived as (Y/N) kept asking me about it during lesson. Literally nothing gets passed these two. Carlos also looked as if he was being pestered by Mirabel, probably about the same thing.

The heat in this classroom was unbearable! I feel as if I'm going to die if this carried on, (Y/N) having the same idea as she was practically melting of the desk. Fanning herself with the booklet Mr. Santiago gave us to work through. Don't get me wrong, I love summer, but it's times like these I wish it was spring or something. "Fan me a bit, would you?" I managed to say, looking at (Y/N). "No, fan yourself. If I stop, I think I might just die. And you don't want that? Do you cariño?" She said, of course she took this as an opportunity to tease me. I had a masterplan and this masterplan of mine included me taking her booklet. "Alright then princesa, I see how it is!" I said a sly grin placing itself on my face. Time to place my plan into action. When I caught her off guard I snatched the booklet and started fanning myself. Just like she had told me too. A pout was placed on her face, dios mio she was so cute. She did this dramatic gesture which ended with her playing dead on the desk. I started laughing while fanning us both.

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