The Beginning of the End #44

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I was wearing my bathrob as I got outside, I was drying my hair with a towel, standing in front of the mirror. And then I felt two muscular arms wrapped around my waist.......and this unholy guy is not even wearing a shirt? Damn!!! I can't move my gaze away from there. I gulped. But I have to so, I kind of ignored him.

Jk : Babe?

Me : Hmm?

Jk : Babe?~

Me : Hmmm?

Jk : Babe?~~

Me : What???

Jk : *pouts* Why are you shouting at me?

Me : *sighs* Okay I am sorry Kook, tell me what's wrong?

Jk : *removed my hairs and kissed my neck*

Me : *gasps* J-Jungkook!

Jk : *he started biting my neck and I tried not to make any sound, he turned me around and kissed me. He pulled me up, towards the bed and hovered over me.......well this time I am giving in, maybe I am ready now. I know this is not the time for me......but still for him I am ready. He was going down and about to remove my bathrob.............ring! ring!......he groan, I giggled and looked at the collar ID it's Raj....he rolled his eyes lay down beside me and I picked up the call*

Me : Hello?

Raj : Ma'am we have got a news.

Me : What? Great! What is it?

Raj : Ma'am we have got to know that Aadil is going to be seen in xxxx cafe tomorrow to meet someone.

Me : And how did you get to know about this?

Raj : We have got a man....who work with him and according to his statement we got to know about this.

Me :  Okay....just tell me, when should I come there?

Raj : Tomorrow morning okay? And you may bring those people as well whom you were thinking to help us.

Me : Uhh s-sure, I will. Okay bye! *hangs up......sighs* Jungkook?.....*looked at him*

Jk : *looking in another direction with a pouty face*

Me : *giggled and pecked his lips* What happened babe? Why are you pouting? *teasing tone*

Jk : Nothing! What was he saying?

Me : That tomorrow we will get that Aadil in a Cafe. This time we can't loose him.

Jk : And will I-

Me : Wanna come with us?

Jk : *widened eyes* Really?

Me : Yeah

Jk : *hugs her* Thank you! Y/N! Thank you so much!

Me : Hehe it's okay, now let me change.

Jk : Okay and I will take a bath quickly.

Me : Yeah go ahead. 

He went inside the washroom and I got changed into my night suit, I was waiting for him to come to soon. So that we can cuddle...

Next Morning 

I woke up as usual before him and took a quick bath and got changed. I woke him up and after we were done, we went downstairs.

 I woke him up and after we were done, we went downstairs

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