Back to Korea #65

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Everyone is ready to leave. There flight is in an hour, so we left for airport already. I am happy they are leaving, so that they won't know anything what I am going to do specially Jungkook. But still.........I will miss him.

Your outfit 👆

Niyasha's outfit 👆

Saanvi's outfit 👆

Ayushi's outfit 👆

RM : We are here, hope to see you guys soon.

Niyasha : Yeah...have a safe flight okay?

Hobi : We will.

Saanvi : And I am gonna come back soon too. *winks*

Ayushi : Yeah how can we forget you *sighs* Take care.

Jin : Guys we are heading, you guys say your goodbyes and come quickly. *says to the maknaes*

Jk : Okay hyung.

Suga : Let's go then.

Saanvi : Bye guys.

Trio : Bye!

Jk : *he turned to me, I smiled at him and he hugged me, I hugged him back* Take care of yourself okay? 

Me : Hmm..

Jk : Have your meals and all on time, don't overwork, sleep for well 7-8 hours I don't want any of these to be not done okay? Also, don't be very excited to put yourself in danger. Take bodyguards or officers with you and also-

Me : Okay okay I got it, I will do whatever you told me. Fine now?

Jk : Yeah and also- *I kissed him, I am done of this overprotectiveness, we broke the kiss and he gave me a peck* You always cut my words *pouts*.....but in a good way *smirks*

Me : You naughty big bunny, now it's already time you should go.

Jk : Huh...*looked at his watch* Yeah okay....I will go now. *he gave me a last kiss*

Me : Have a safe flight Jungkook.

Jk : Thanks. I will miss you Jagi.

Me : I will miss you too. *he gave me a forehead kiss and left*

We were heading back towards our hotel rooms, Ayushi is going to leave after lunch because she is the CEO of a company, for now she was handling her work online. But it's really necessary for her to back because it's been months. Niyasha will go to her parent's place to meet them, 'coz it's been a while since she has seen them. And I know what I am going to do anyways, so I have to leave too.

Ayushi : Okay guys then I will come back soon to meet you.

Niyasha : Okay, my flight is after an hour or so.

Ayushi : Alright. And what about your flight Y/Niee?

Me : Yeah my flight if after two hours.

Ayushi : Oh okay then, I guess I will leave now. *we hugged her and she left*

Niyasha : We just have one hour left, maybe we should walk around?

Me : Sure.


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