Beginning of The End (Part 3) #46

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As we went downstairs, I saw Niyasha and Saanvi crying.

Me : What's wrong, are you okay?

Niyasha : No can she-.....*sighs*

Me : Don't worry about her. We have to catch them quick.


Aadil : Heard that explosion. *laughs* Finally the most disgusting and annoying this dead from my life.

Ayushi : True! I am so relieved.

Aadil : I know right.....babe?

Ayushi : Hmm?

Aadil : I want you today.

Ayushi : *eyes widened* W-What do you mean?

Aadil : You know what I mean *smirks*

Ayushi : Yeah yeah fine. Just give me my money and you know that I love you only. So I am not running anywhere. *rolls her eyes*

Aadil : Aww I love these tantrums you know.

Ayushi : *smirks* I know.

Aadil : Okay wait. *took out his phone* Hmm the money is transferred in your account okay?

Ayushi : Aww babe, you are the best.

Aadil : Now shall we get going?

Ayushi : Sure.


Ayushi : *turns around*

Aadil : What the fuck?

Me : So? Got shocked, with our sudden action huh? *smirks*

Aadil : How did you....?I mean

Jk : It's okay to get 440 volt shock Aadil, not happy to see us?

Aadil : Everyone kill these bitches.

Me : Oh yeah sure. 

Aadil : *smirks* How you 12 will survive in front of us huh?

Me : It's okay we can. *I shot one of their man* Like this.


I grabbed another gun in my hand and started shooting them. Everyone was kicking, punching or using knives as well. I kicked one of them, I know Aadil and Asim must have gone somewhere to hide.

Niyasha : Found you!

Ayushi : N-Niyasha?

Niyasha : Yeah, you betrayal.

Ayushi : Niyasha it's not what you think.

Niyasha : SHUT UP! YOU BETRAYED US! 8pointed the gun towards her*

Ayushi : It's not like that-


Niyasha : *she looked at me confused* What are you even saying? You know what she did right?

Me : That's what I told her to do.

Niyasha : What do you-

Me : WATCH OUT! *a man was going to stab her, but Ayushi quickly jumped on her and kicked that man.....the knife fell from his hands and I quickly shot him*

Niyasha : B-But why...w-what's going on?

Me : Will explain ya later. *I shot another one*

We almost killed every man of them, but I wasn't able to find Aadil anywhere. I looked around, to see no one except us.

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