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She nodded to a woman who went to the curtain that my clothes were left behind and I followed her out of the room and to another down the hall. This room was a mediocre office space and she sat on the far side of a desk, motioning for me to have a seat in the chair.

"I am going to hit the high points of this document. You will be expected to read the rest on your own time. Do you understand?" I nodded.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. First, we will be spending a lot of time together. I expect that you will respect me. That is as simple as not arguing or lying. I strongly believe that discussing and arguing are very different things. You're welcomed to discuss anything at any time. Lying is not tolerated. If I find that you have lied, you will be dismissed promptly. Can you handle that?"

"Yes ma'am. I will not argue or lie." She nodded.

"Good. It was made clear in the advertisement, application, and email that you are expected to stay available at any time that I have not been given notice. That includes living in my home. This means that I expect you to respect my home and treat it as such. I have been advised to find someone for this job so that I am able to access someone whenever the inspiration sparks. That may be midnight or three in the morning or four in the afternoon or any other time. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. You will be payed biweekly. Salary was disclosed in the advertisement and the details are also laid out in the document. You will also be expected to accompany me to events and shows quite often. Are you able to handle that?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Read over the rest of this, don't sign it yet, and return it to me. You have one week to do so. At the point of signing, you will be moved in and the job will start."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you so much. I'm so excited."

"You're dismissed. You may change on your way out. I will see you soon, Kiara." I smiled, taking my clothes from the woman by the door who pointed me to a bathroom. I changed and hurried out calling Peyton.

"Hey! How'd it go?"

"EEEEE I got it! I got it! I got it! I can't believe it! I actually got it! I'm on my way home right now!"

"Holy fuck, Kay! That's fucking awesome! Tell me everything! Was she nice? Did you see any clothes?

"I didn't get to see her personality much. She is very professional, I think. Gets to the point. There were soooo many clothes! She even put a dress on me and cut a strap off and it was wild. She had us almost like competing with each other and would eliminate one or a few people at once!"

"Damn! What else?!"

"Well She gave me like some contract to read over and sign. I'm really nervous though. I won't be able to slip anymore if I stay there."

"Kay, you know you have to. You don't want unhealthy coping mechanisms again."

"I can't do either one! Living in her house, she'll catch me and I'll lose the job! I cannot afford to lose the job!"

"Maybe you should just be straightforward with her about it. I'm sure she knew that moving someone in with her would have it's quirks."

"I wouldn't consider it a quirk. Like 'oh yeah, by the way, I might be a small child from time to time but no biggie! Don't worry about it!' Is way different than 'I have a tendency to leave dishes in the sink and towels in the bathroom floor.'"

"You can't just not slip, Kiara. We both know it doesn't work that way."

"Watch me. It'll be alright. It's worth it for this job." Peyton sighed.

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