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Neither of them spoke, but they glanced at each other before daddy kissed my head and pulled me into his lap.

"That's my pretty girl." He spoke, rubbing my arm, then pulling Mommy into his side. "And my other pretty girl." He chuckled a bit softly.

"All yours, Master." They kissed briefly, making me giggle.

"Yuck!" They laughed at my exclamation, and Mommy peppered my face in kisses. "Eeee! Quit quit! Mama stoooooop!"

"Girls, girls, you're wiggling me to death!" Daddy laughed.

"Uht oh." I mumbled, blushing red.

"What's the matter, sweetpea?"

"I peed, dada." He chuckled.

"Oh yeah? Already? Come here, soggy butt." He stood up, lifting me, teasing. He made quick work of changing me then we returned to the living room where Mommy was now sitting in the floor.

"Why she down d'ere?"

"It looks like my puppy is feeling playful for us." She panted softly. "Would you like to play with her, babygirl?" He bounced me on his hip gently.

"Yeah! Wan pway!" He placed me in the floor gently and grabbed a small box from off a shelf. He sat back on the couch, petting Mommy's head, and handing me the box.

"Which toy, princess?" I dug through the box before choosing a pink bone shaped toy.

"How pway, dada?"

"Throw it easy, and she will bring it back." I gently tossed the toy, and Mommy quickly went after it, making me giggle. She brought it back and dropped it on the floor.

"Good girl!" Daddy told her, petting her head. I tossed it in a different direction this time. We did this several times, but after a while, she didn't drop the toy, instead she held it between her teeth. I tried to take it from her and she made a soft growling sound, startling me. I gasped.

"Bad puppy, Mama!" I huffed, quickly retracting my hand.

"Sh sh, come here, baby. She was just playing." He lifted me into his lap and took the bone from her. He grabbed a different bone that was softer and had bristles made for chewing, handing it to her.

"I no 'ike that play! No grr! Too 'ittle." He rocked me.

"Sh sh. I know, baby. It's okay. She didn't mean to scare you, I promise." I whined, and he kissed my temple. "Try this. Easy. Good girl." He gently led my hand to her head, showing me to pet her.

"Good girl." I mumbled softly. She sat up straight facing us, looking ecstatic.

"See. She won't hurt you, lovebug."

"No hurt baby." I mumbled again and she quickly licked my hand, startling me. Daddy laughed.

"Aww, you got puppy kisses, baby!" I scrunched up my nose, thinking. I quickly stick out my tongue, licking her face. She also looked shocked and he laughed again. "You're a mess, buttercup." I giggled and cuddled against him. We were just playing around and being silly when Daddy's phone rang. I saw Sherrys name across the top of the screen as he pressed it to his ear.

"'s lovely. How is everything there... I see... I haven't been on it actually. I didn't have any intentions of looking at her things...did you give her my number... Oh yeah. That'd be fine I guess. Make sure to tell her everything. ... alright thanks. See you soon... okay bye."

"What dat?" I asked, cuddling.

"Your friend Peyton is going to come over, baby!"

"Oh... why?" It wasn't that I didn't wasn't to see her, of course I did. I was just still getting comfortable here and I wanted to spend more time with them just us.

A Pretty Little ModelWhere stories live. Discover now