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My eyes blew wide and Alexia simply laughed.

"No. Why do you people assume that about everyone that moves in?"

"I apologize. Miss Athens, do you find Miss Ball to be difficult to work for?"

"Oh no! Not at all! She is very nice." I shook my head.

"What can you tell us about what is currently being worked on?"

"It will be a surprise." Alexia smiled. The man respectfully finished the interview and another woman sat down.

"Miss Ball, is it true that you plan to hire a new model every year from now on?"


"Miss Ball, can you tell us what happened to Claire Matheson, your previous girlfriend?" My eyes got wide once again. I didn't know Alexia had a girlfriend!

"We went our separate ways. Claire and I ended on good terms, and there is nothing more to be discussed about her."

"But where has she gone? Is it true that the two of you still secretly meet up?"

"I don't know where she moved to. We have only met up once to return some things, and it was not a secret, simply my personal life."

"Some claim that Miss Athens looks a lot like Miss Matheson. It is rumored that you only hired Miss Athens for this reason. Do you have a comment?"

"No. They are both nice women, and my choice to hire Kiara has nothing to do with Claire."

"Miss Athens, how do you feel about this?"

"I've actually never saw Miss Matheson. I wouldn't know."

"Miss Athens, do you feel that Miss Ball has ever tried to make a move towards you?"

"No. She is just my boss."

"Miss Athens, has Miss Ball ever commented to you about your scars?"

"That is not a topic that we are answering questions on. Please let the next person up." Alexia dismissed the woman who looked shocked by that answer. A new woman sat down smiling.

"Miss Ball, if given the opportunity for a model of higher experience and looks, would you take it?"

"I have a model. Why would I want another?"

"Well, it has been noted that Miss Athens does not appear the same as many..." Alexia cut her off.

"I have a model. She is amazing at her job, and I have no reason for another."

"But Miss Athens' measurements have been published to be well below average along with her many healed lesions."

"Next person please." Alexia dismissed her as well and a man sat down.

"Miss Athens, the hottest topic is being discussed if you are straight. Are you willing to comment on your sexual orientation?" I glanced at Alexia, not sure if I was supposed to answer or not.

"No, I am not."

"Why is that? Are you worried that by disclosing your sexuality, you will fuel the fire of the rumor that you and Miss Ball are in a relationship?"

"No. Alexia and I have a professional relationship only."

"Does it concern you that you highly resemble her ex, Claire Matheson."

"I've personally never saw Claire, but I'm sure that any resemblance is purely coincidental."

"Why have you never saw Miss Ball's ex girlfriend?"

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