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Chapter One. Story begins.

Elina’s POV:

Hi my name is Elina! I’m 15 and I’m crazy about one person. My boyfriend? No. He is a band member.Yes it may sound crazy but it’s true. His name is Zayn Malik from One Direction.I’m sure you know his or at least heard about him.

Today was one more boring day at school.I hate my school.Finally back home.Today is Friday so looking forward for holydays J


I was sitting in my room staring at my laptop. I was logging in my facebook and twitter when I suddenly heard…


The door of my room widely opened. Yes! My best friend finally came. Linda, I love ger. One more directioner Harry’s girl.

Linda’s POV:

Elina was sitting besides her laptop. I came up to her and shouted happily:”Hey mate! Vas’Happenin?” “I’m okay”-she replied.-“Hey look at this” she suddenly showed on the top of her pink “Apple”There was a note:

Wanna win 2 tickets to One Direction concert in you town?? Hurry up and send SMS with words 1D Take Me Home to number 9999. Rusults wil be announced at 9p.m. on Itv today. Try your luck.”-note told

Elina looked at me for a while and said:’’ Yes it’s our chance!” she quickly grabed her phone and dialed the nimber. “God let us win” she whispered.

I looked at my hand watch.”we just have 2 hours to wait.”- I smiled. Elina winked.

*2 hours later*

Elina’s POV:

Me and Linda were sitting on the coech in the livening room and eating popcorn. I turned Itv on. I didn’t actually believe that we will win but still..I looked at Linda. Shecouldn’t stay in one place because of excitement.

“Hi directioner!-We finally heard. Yes it was Harry. Linda let a shout come from her mouth.”Harry”

“so our winners are…-Louis told slowly.-two girls Elina and Linda! Yeah!Congratulations!

“See you girl soon!”-Zayn said looking to us from TV screen.”Goobbye”

I looked at Linda and she looked at me. Yes we did it! We got the tickets. We won!

I know my dream jusy came true I’ll meet Zayn! I Heard a long scream of happiness from Linda. Yes I gonna meet him!

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