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Elina’s POV

Louis drove us to the biggest and the best mall in London. He gave each of us a credit card.

-Have fun,girls!-he said-I’ll wait for you otside.

We thanked him and went out. Wohoo the biggest shoppning in our lives was waiting for us!


*2 hours later*

We had heavy bags in our hands when we got near the car.

_Wow! Is there anything left in the shops?-Louis joked.

He helped us to put all the staff into the car.

-Thought Niall has already died from the hungryness.-He smiled and winked us.

We laughed. Louis was so kind and sweet. All boys were like that, but Zayn still was special for me.


We got back home and quickly got ready. Niall didn’t let us spend a lot of time on our make up and hair.

-I’m hungry!-he shouted billion’s time.

-Okay!We are coming!-Linda shouted back.

We went downstairs.

-Finally-Niall mumbled.

-Okay!here we go!-Harry said.

He drove Linda, me and Zayn. Louis drove the rest of the boys. 15 mins later we got to the nearest Nandos.We sat behind a big table. Waiter come up to learn what we wanted. Linda was whispering something to Harry’s ear. I looked at Zayn. He was already staring at me. I smiled. Hi winked. The waiter returned back with our order.He turned to Zayn

 -The blond girl sitting behind the 5th table says hello to you and youe beautiful girlfriend.-he looked at Zayns face that became dark and added-It was her words.

Zayn turned to see who was that girl. I turned too.

The blondie was sitting with 2 other girls. She grinned looking at Zayn. He looked angry and upset in the same time.

-Who is she?-I asked. I didn’t like her at all.

-My ex-girlfriend.-he looked at me-We’ve broken up 2 weeks ago.

I don’t know why but his words hurt me and made me feel sad. I know it was stupid ‘cause Zayn was fomous and he got lots of girlfriends.

_elina look at me!-he said.-We broke up. No worries. I love only you.

I tried to smile. He hugged me and kissed to my forehead. I felt safe.

-Can we go to the toilet?-Linda whispered to my ear.

-Yeah,okay!-I said

-We need to go somewhere. Just for a minute.-Linda said to the boys.

We stood from the table. I gave a quick look to the blondie. She whispered something to one of her friends and stood up too.

Linda’s POV

We went to the toilet. I got inside one of the cabins, Elina decided to wait for me outside looking in the mirror and fixing her hair. Wjen I got out I was expecting to see Elina, but I couldn’t find her. I started panic:

-Elina!Where are you?-I shouted.

No answer.

I quickly ran to the boys.

-Boys , we have a problem. Elina disappeared!


Okay guys that's it ,the eight's chapter. Hope you like it! Vote , comment what you think :) I was thinking what to do next so may be you can help me??? Comment what you think can happen next :) Thank you for reading it means the world for me ;)

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