Chapter 5 - 'She Has Cancer You Lunatic!'

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I was asleep on the couch after waiting hours for Jungkook to come home. It was around midnight when I had fallen asleep due to exhaustion. I had no idea why Jungkook hadn't come home but I couldn't stay awake any longer.

While I was sleeping I heard the front door open. The door opened into the living room so I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook walking through it. I stirred and he noticed.

"Hey," he said quietly. "I didn't want to wake you." He closed the door not worried about making noise now. "Sorry."

"It's okay," I whispered, still not fully awake. I stretched as Kookie walked over to the couch. When I was finished stretching I left my hands up in the air, signalling that I wanted cuddles. He gave me an awkward look and then yawned, which looked fake.

"You know what? I'm pretty beat. I think I'm just gonna go to bed," he said through the yawn. I sighed. He never wanted to cuddle anymore. It's not like the cancer was contagious!

"Fine," I sighed. I sat up on the couch and was about to stand up when the front door opened. Jungkook got a fright and jumped around. Then Namjoon walked in.

"Hey," he sang.

"Oh my god!" Kookie breathed. He seemed really scared about what was coming through the door.

"What's happening guys? I was just in the neighbourhood after my date with Claire, you remember Claire?"

I nodded. I forgot about his date tonight after I started watching the TV.

"Well, my date did not go as planned, unfortunately, due to a lack of chemistry and an overuse of profanities on my part," he said glumly. "However, whilst on my date, I ran into Jungkook." He looked at my boyfriend who had a confused look on his face.

"Really?" I asked as Namjoon took his phone out of his back pocket.

"Yea, we were at his show in fact! And I also managed to get some photos of what I like to call...exhibit PRICK!" He showed me his screen. What I saw made my stomach drop and a lump form in my throat. It was Jungkook. Jungkook kissing another girl. He had his arms wrapped around her and was shoving his tongue down her neck. Jungkook moved to see the photos as well and saw what was happening. He cursed under his breath.

"See?! That's Jungkook and that's some dirty, whore looking girl he's kissing. I did it!" Namjoon yelled and I took the phone off him to get a closer look. I glanced up at Jungkook who was sending Namjoon evil eyes.

"I fucking nailed you! I've hated you for months and now I finally have evidence that you suck as a person! I know everything Jungkook! I know that you dated Claire and that singer lady all while you were dating my best friend! Holy shit! Holy. Shit."

There was a long pause after Namjoon's yelling spree where nothing was said. What was there to say? Jungkook cheated on me and there was physical evidence of it. There were no two ways about it.

"Okay you guys should talk about this," Namjoon sighed and walked into the kitchen. I was glad he wasn't leaving. I needed him just in case I was too weak to end it with Jungkook. He was my safety net, always had been.

"What, are you cheating on me?" I asked Jungkook, even though I knew the answer.

"That's..." he started, then he began to splutter his words, not being able to make a full sentence. He came and sat beside me on the couch. "Yes," he finally said. I stared at him. He wouldn't look me in the eyes. This was unbelievable.

"Seriously?" I exhaled. "Why?"

"Emma, you have no idea how hard it's been," he said slowly, enunciating every word. "I don't know how to do this. This has been so stressful and you have been so sick and...shit." He tried to explain it all away but I wasn't buying any of it. I was so done with Jungkook and his bullshit.

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