Chapter 2 - 'Just Get High With Me!'

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I was told to go to the hospital at 1:30 on a Wednesday, probably the most inconvenient time there was. But nonetheless I went and I walked those white corridors again.

I went straight to the receptionists desk and asked for a Dr. Kim. It took a while to find the right room but I found it eventually and I knocked on the pale wooden door.

"Come in!" a male voice called. I entered the room and looked around. It was a bit messy with overflowing shelves on either side of the room stacked with a mix of old and new books some pages yellowed and curling. The wall opposite the door was almost a floor to ceiling window with a small desk in the corner. A chair that was far too big sat behind it. In the middle of the room sat a small chair facing long leather couch, it was almost too cliché to believe. And there on the leather couch sat a young man eating a burrito.

He looked too lanky for his own good. His nose looked like it needed to be booped but I resisted the urge because, hello? That would be inappropriate. He looked up and caught my eye. I stared at him in disbelief until he looked down and brushed crumbs off his black skinny jeans and plain black shirt.

"Can I help you?" he asked still brushing crumbs off his clothes.

"I'm supposed to have an appointment with Dr. Kim," I told him.

"Oh sorry," he said standing up and walking over to me. He held his hand out awkwardly for a handshake. "Come in and please call me Jin." He smiled nervously waiting for me to shake his hand. I took it tentatively and shook it.

"You're Dr. Kim?" I asked.

"I am. Have a seat please," he said smiling sweetly. He gestured towards the leather couch. "Sorry about my food," he added.

I walked over to the shiny couch and brushed the remaining crumbs off its surface. I sat down on the couch and hunched over to place my elbows on my thighs and clasp my hands together. I waited for the doctor to say something first. He sat down in the small chair opposite me and placed his notepad on his lap.

"'re Emma?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. Aren't you supposed to be wearing a sweater in a shade of brown and be an old woman?" I asked a bit skeptical of this blonde giant.

"Oh, did someone say I looked like that?" he asked looking nervous.

"No! But it's old are you?"


"23. Wow that's young to be a doctor," I said not looking him in the eye.

"Well technically I'm not a doctor yet. I'm working on my doctrine right now," he responded. "This is a training hospital."

"So have you had a lot of patients?"

" patient history is not-"

"I'm your first patient aren't I?"





There was a long pause where nothing was said.

"Wow," I sighed. " how are the first two doing?" Jin laughed nervously and there was an awkward pause.

"Now, we can't talk about that," he chuckled.

"Right," I said drawing out the word slowly. "So this is your"

"Well this will be part of my dissertation," he told me.

"So you'll be writing about me and showing it to someone?"

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