Respect The Drip Karen

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Everyone made their ways to their seats as the start of class neared. Most were still talking amongst themselves, but I again, kept to myself and focused on what was out that window.

My attention was split, as it was most of the time. I tried my best to be aware of my surroundings as much as possible, so I noticed when the bomb in front of me shifted in his seat tensely again and again, almost as if he was nervous about something.

I didn't pay much mind to it as the boy was an enigma all on his own and I knew that I would lose my mind trying to figure him out. That's why when he finally whipped around in his chair, I was caught off guard.

"...Can I help you?"

The boy scoffed as if he were irritated, "You can tell them to leave you alone you know."


"Don't make me repeat myself!" It was a quiet sort of yell. Almost as if he were trying to be quiet so that people didn't pay attention to our conversation.

His words didn't make sense. Why did he care? It wasn't like my being uncomfortable was any of his concern and he certainly didn't act like he wanted it to be. So then, why?

"Um, I mean it's fine. It doesn't really bother me-"

"Shut up."

Okay, what was his problem?

"Don't give me that shit." He continued, "I saw how you reacted to Pinky touching you, any idiot could tell you were uncomfortable. And if you feel that way then just tell her to back off, it's not that hard."

"What? No,'s not-" I sighed, trying my best to piece my words together in a way that made sense. "It's not her."

The blonde squinted his eyes at me as he upturned his chin. "Then what is it?"

"Why do you care all of a sudden?"

"I don't!" He scoffed and immediately turned back around in his seat muttering how stupid I was under his breath.

I didn't have time to really think over what had just happened because suddenly the door slid open with a bang and in flew the number one hero. "I AM HERE...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR!"

All Might...the symbol of peace...was standing in my classroom...

Everyone around me broke out into cheers at the sight of the world's favorite hero. Even the grumpy cat in front of me perked up in his seat before schooling himself once more and looking around to make sure that no one had seen him.

I was pretty sure that I heard Midoriya squeak in excitement behind me, as well. Some things never change, I guess.

"What is he...wait, is that why he did the exam results? Because he's a park of the UA faculty now?" I had begun to question aloud, thinking that the room was too loud for anyone to hear, but based on the way that Grumpelstiltskin turned around and kicked my shin, I apparently had been too loud in my stream of thoughts.

It wasn't uncommon for me to vocalize my thoughts. Most of the time I was alone, so it was a habit that I just happened to pick up. Probably would want to pay a bit more attention now that I was surrounded by other people though.

The pro quieted everyone down and begun to talk about how he had a very special first day of heroics combat exercise for us. He dragged on about it while somehow not saying anything about what we would be doing, until he changed topics to something that had the class in even more of a frenzy than when he arrived.

"But if you're going to be learning how to be pro heroes then you should look the part!" His voice boomed before he clicked a remote that was way too small for his ginormous hand and the numbers on the left wall of the room began to emerge revealing suitcases that corresponded with those numbers. "Here are your hero suits that you each submitted before classes started. The design companies worked hard on them as well as some of the support course students, so let's put them to good use. Grab the suitcase that matches your desk number and meet me at Training Ground Beta once you're all changed."

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