I Need A HeroOOO~

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(Reminder that this first scene takes place a little bit before where we left off last chapter :D)

Shouta didn't even know what was happening.

One moment, he's protecting and yelling at his class to escape and the next he was beating down villains left and right. At some point he had glanced over to see Thirteen having their quirk used against them and three students, before the rest of the class was whisked away by that mist villain.

His heart sunk as he watched his students disappear and he faltered for a moment, earning a punch in the face from some idiot who he then threw across the plaza.

This wasn't the time to get distracted. He wasn't in his element, he didn't know what any of these villain's quirks were, and he was severely outmatched. But he'd be damned if he was going to let them lay a hand on his kids.

As he fought, he noticed the hand villain watching closely, making little comments under his breath every once in a while. He wished he could just knock the brat out, but he was a bit preoccupied, and it was clear that he was the leader of this whole operation.

Unfortunately, getting to him wouldn't be as easy as Shouta would like.

He just had to keep going; ignore the dryness of his eyes, the burn in his lungs, and the pain in his body as he continuously fought multiple villains at once. If he let up for even a moment he could die and leave his class defenseless, and that was not an option. He refused to be taken down by a group of rookie villains this early in the semester.

The hand villain, Shigaraki he thought his name was, continued to watch until he apparently got bored and decided to join the fray. He got up behind Shouta and roughly grabbed the hero's elbow as he kicked back a villain.

Immediately, pain erupted from where he had touched and Eraser tried to lash out at the villain, but he had already jumped out of his reach.

He chanced a glance down at his arm and saw the skin flacking off as blood leaked from the falling away flesh.

"Your tells are way too obvious Eraserhead. It only took me a little bit to figure them out and counter. Maybe you're not as good as you think you are."

"I'm good enough to take you down."

"Oh yeah? Nomu." The leader snapped his fingers and suddenly Shouta was being slammed face first into the ground and held there by something way too big that had his arm behind his back and was slowly crushing it. "Cool, isn't he? Master created him just for this mission."

Master? So Shigaraki wasn't the leader after all.

Shouta was still dazed from the impact that he drifted off a bit after and came back just in time to see the villain lung for one of his students.

No, no, no, no, no-

He strained his quirk as his eyes watered and the villain turned around slowly with a sadistic smile on his face. His hand was wrapped around Tsuyu Asui's face with Mineta and Midoriya right next to her. Both of them looked terrified, but as their gazes turned to Shouta, their faces filled with relief.

"You really are so cool Eraser. Nomu!"

Shouta was still looking at his students when the thing above him grabbed the back of his head and slammed his face into the concrete over and over and over again until his body went limp, and unconsciousness overtook him. As he was going under, he could hear the screams of his kids and fought with all he was to stay awake, but the darkness quickly won out.

He could vaguely hear what was going on around him. He knew that the monster thing was still on top of him until it wasn't, and he was able to open his eyes just enough to see All Might standing in the facility. He quickly looked around and saw that his students weren't there anymore, but whether or not that was a good thing, he didn't know. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to debate in his head as he was dragged under once more.

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