I Came In Like A Wrecking Ballllll

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The field trip. That's what they were met with when class began this morning.

We had all known that there was something we were doing and as I watched Eraser stand in front of us and vaguely explain where we were going without actually telling us anything, I couldn't ignore the deep pit in my stomach.

His words from yesterday echoed in my head. I walked into school this morning on high alert, looking over my shoulder, checking my surroundings, and even using my quirk to feel if anything was off. I had felt a sort of weird energy earlier, but it wasn't nearly something to be concerned with. Still, I kept my feelers out just in case.

We were now on a bus going wherever they were taking us. Most of the class wore their costumes, but since mine had been damaged during the Heroes and Villains exercise, I was just in my gym uniform. Midoriya was too. The two of us had met at in front of the bus and let out mutual breaths of relief that we weren't alone in our struggle and when Uraraka showed up in her gym uniform too, we all practically had to be pried apart from the other members of the gym uniform gang.

I also took notice that Bakugou's suit was missing his gauntlets and chunky gloves, but I chose to leave it be.

I ended up in the aisle seat with Jirou next to me. She was listening to her music and would lean over to talk to me about it every time a different song came on. She even brought up that she was still working on a playlist for me that caused me to blush.

Midoriya sat in the seat behind us beside Uraraka and the two seemed to be getting alone well enough. Kirishima sat in the seat in front of me and kept on turning around to talk to me. Every time he did, he would soon be yanked back by a grumbling Bakugou who claimed that he was being loud and annoying.

"Well, if we're talking most potential to be strong heroes then I'd have to put my money on either Todoroki or Kosuke."

My head whipped around as I caught a small snip of the conversation going on behind me.

Sero had been talking with some of the other students and they apparently were deciding who they thought had the most hero potential in class. "What?"

Uraraka perked up and jumped into the conversation. "Oh, totally! The way you blocked Bakugou's mega powerful blast and healed me after was way cool!"

I couldn't help the sudden burn to my cheeks as I tried to get something that was intelligible out of my mouth.

"Plus, we all saw you during the quirk tests on the first day." Asui chimed in with a finger to her chin. She turned to look at me straight on, her wide eyes not giving away a sliver of hidden emotion. "Actually, I don't really understand your quirk. What is it exactly?"

So, this was it huh? I would explain it to them, and they would all realize just how dangerous I was, just like everyone else. I'm not going to lie, I had hoped that it would be just a little bit longer, that I could continue to pretend and enjoy their ignorance for just a while more. But all good things must come to an end, I guess.

"Oh..." I bit down on my lip as my hand began to fidget in my lap and I tried to figure out how to properly explain my quirk. "Well, my quirk is called life energy. Basically, I can sense and manipulate the energy around me. So, like you saw on the first day, I took the energy from the ground and used it to increase my strength to throw the ball. And during the 2v2 fight, the plan was to try to absorb as much of the explosion's energy as possible, but my body can only take so much before it becomes overwhelming for me physically. That was the first time I'd ever tested any sort of limits with my quirk actually."

"Is that also how you healed me, you channeled what you took from Bakugou into me?" Uraraka asked with big eyes, although I couldn't quite tell what her thoughts were at the moment.

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