Katsuki Bakugou Has A Heart??

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Consciousness came back to me in waves.

First it was the sound of a faint beeping. Then it was quiet voices and shuffling feet. Then it was the brightness of the room, and those voices became much louder and clearer as my senses returned. Finally, I was able to open my eyes after many tries and was met with the soft light above me and the smell of hospital.

It gave me flashbacks. I hated hospitals. People were hurt in hospitals. People who I hurt had been in hospitals.

My body shivered under the sheets. I still must not have my usual amount of energy then; typically my body temperature ran a bit higher due to my quirk.

My eyes took in my surroundings, and it looked like I was in some sort of nurse's wing rather than a hospital. I was in a bed with a monitor tracking my heart and such beside me. There were curtains to my left and right cutting me off from whoever were on the other sides. And those voices were talking again.

"Honestly All Might, those kids could've died."

"I know, I know..."

"I don't even want to think about what would've happened if that one girl hadn't weakened the blast but look at what it cost her. You should've stopped them."

A deep sigh and then, "I know."

"Not to mention the states of those two boys. I cannot believe you let them go on after that disaster. Both of his arms were broken and that other one was not in much better shape."

"You do not have to tell me, I know, okay?"

"Apparently not. I will not allow you to put these children in harm's way like that again."

"You do not need to worry; it won't happen again."

"For your sake, I hope that you're right. Now if you'll excuse me, I have students to attend to."

The light shuffling of feet started before a head peeked into my 'room' or whatever. The woman was older, her grey hair tied up into a bun and her face decorated with wrinkles from years of smiling and probably scowling if the conversation she had earlier was normal for her. She was small, probably just above half as tall as I was, but that didn't dimmish the clear authority she possessed. There was a gentleness to her as well, one that made me feel at ease as she walked over to my bed.

She gave me a sad smile as she looked over me, "Welcome back dear, how are you feeling?"

I took a moment to think about it, "Like I got hit by a bus, or maybe more like an airplane-"

This caused the woman to let out a light laugh as she checked my vitals, "After all you went through, I'd say that's a fair assessment."

"How-how are um..."

"How are those two boys?" She finished for me as I slowly nodded. "They'll be fine. You're the second to wake up, the loud one woke up about thirty minutes ago and Midoriya is still out. He'll be awake any minute, so there's no need to worry. My quirk tends to leave those I heal extremely exhausted is all."

"You're quirk?"

"My name is Recovery Girl. My quirk healing kiss allows me to heal the injuries of others with a kiss, but the way it heals is using the person's stamina to speed up the healing process, so you can imagine that healing large injuries like that takes quite the toll."

I nodded, trying to wrap my mind around the information she just gave me. If I was understanding correctly, her quirk kind of works like mine does, or at least how I used it on Uraraka. I used the energy from the blast and from my own body to speed up her body's natural healing.

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