~ Chapter 2 ~

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TW: Smoking and Swearing, maybe slight obsession?

~ Wilbur's POV ~

I got to school a bit earlier today, i wanted to see Alex really badly. Not sure why but i didn't really mind seeing him. Plus I was with my dad, Mr. Minecraft or Phil, the principle. funny i get in trouble a lot and just get talked to by my dad but eh.

When i was coming out from the office i saw Alex walking to his locker. He stood out to me, seeing him made me blush a bit, i smirked and made my way to him.

I decided to scare him, i bumped into him from behind, seeming to surprise him. "What the fuck is up with people bumping into me?!" He looked pissed, must've had an incident with my friends? Not sure but seeing him made me happy.

"Jesus someones cranky." I responded and rolled my eyes at the short boy.

"What do you want? Or did you 'accidentally' bump into me?" he sassed and walked away from me. He was adorable when he was sassy, i laughed under my breathe and for some reason started to follow him. I wanted to be around him, in his presence.

Until he realized I was following him "Why are you following me?" he asked, I didn't really know what to say, so i said the first thing that came to mind when i thought of him, or... maybe the third thing..

"Your interesting" I said and leaned against the locker, as i watched him do his locker thingy. "Yeah yeah whatever" he responded, I didn't realize i was watching him, he was cute but i couldn't tell him that until i realized i had been staring for to long "Staring much?"

I let out a small laugh and blushed a bit but just responded "Your hot when your cranky" i smirked a bit, i realized he was blushing. adorable... WAIT what am i thinking?! The fuck is up with me today? I don't know but i actually kind of like it..

"well stop being creepy about it and go find some girl to play with" I frowned at the remark he made.

"Alright fine, Mr. Quackity, i will go play with a girl, but only because you told me to" I smiled and turned around and walked towards my first class.

But when i got there i skipped the door and continued walking till i was outside. I pulled out a cigarette and took a few puffs of it before i put it out. I didn't realize i was out there for half of the class time, i knew dad would talk about me missing class but i didn't care. 

I went back inside and started to walk towards Alex's class, I wanted to see him again. Once i got there i looked through the window on the door, and he was asleep at his seat.

It was so adorable.. I felt my face heat up like crazy and i stepped back out of sight.

If i had to be honest, i've had a crush on him since 7th grade, just never had the gut to tell him. But know its becoming pretty bad, I don't think its a crush anymore since were in 12th grade now. 

I heard the teacher say to start getting stuff together to leave so I headed to Alex's locker and waited. 

~ a few moments later ~

I saw Alex coming over to me or just to his locker I suppose.

"Alexis! How lovely it is to see yo-" I exclaimed once He got to his locker, but he put his finger up to my mouth, I once again felt my face heat up. 

"why are up my ass today?" I frowned a bit, I knew he hated me and didn't wanna see me. But I wanted him to like me, or maybe love? eh I dont know.

"I am not! I'm just checking up on an old friend" I smiled and responded to his rude remark.

"Wilbur, we aren't friends..?" When he said that it felt like a punch in the gut. What is wrong with me?

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