~ Chapter 3 ~

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TW: Swearing

~ Quackity / Alex's POV ~

Wilbur just stood there looking at me while people piled into the cafeteria doors. I only said "What is it Wilbur?" But he just stood there watching me, I took a step back towards the doors.

"Uhm, uh sorry I spaced out.." He finally spoke up, I tilted my head and shrugged. 

"Its fine but anyway what is it?" He looked at the ground, i kept my gaze watching him think it through. 

"I wanna show you something!" He exclaimed, very sudden mood change but OK. "What are you wanting to show me?" I questioned

"you'll see, but you gotta come with me!" He grabbed my hand and was leading me towards the school doors that lead outside. I took my hand out of his, he looked back with a small frown.

'why is he acting like this? I mean at least its not mean but still its strange'

"I'm not just gonna follow you Wilbur, what if your just bringing me to your shit friends to get beat up?" I watched him shuffle and consider what he might say next important i guess.

"I would never, and don't call my friends shit please, and thanks. They're actually quite nice when you know them like i do.." I roll my eyes at his response.

"Please come with me?" He grabbed both my hands and stood in front of me. I blushed and looked down at the ground. 

"I-I cant just trust you all of a sudden.." I looked up at him, making direct eye contact. He smiled and leaned closer towards me, our faces only an inch or two apart, to close..

"You can trust me...I promise?" I stepped back from him and took one hand back, he was still holding my right hand.

"Ok.. but if you do something I don't like, forget the idea of us being friends again.." I was trusting him, a little. I put on a nervous smile and watched his face light up.

"Perfect! Now come on! You'll love this place!" He pulled me towards the school exit. 

"But we cant just leave school?!" I stopped walking and turned. "It'll be fine! Come on.." He smiled and started opening the doors, i reluctantly followed him. 

He shut the doors behind us and looked me then just smiled. Then he started to run, I followed after him being pulled by his tight grip on my hand. 

He led me to a tall building, it was a library. "Why did you make us leave school to go to a library? We literally have a library at the school.." He laughed and pulled me into the building. "you'll see!" he said and glanced at me before heading towards the back corner of the building.

He stopped in front of three doors, two restroom and another door that I think leads up to the roof. "Your bringing me to the restrooms? What are you gonna do beat me up or..?" I smirked and watched him get flustered and he lead me towards the door with no label. 

"No, I don't plan on beating you up at all, and not planning on doing THAT to you." He laughed while saying 'That' louder than the rest of the word.

I giggled a little and stepped into the small room with him, there was just a ladder and some shelf's. 

He started to climb up the ladder, I stood and just watched him, looking like an idiot. "Alex! You coming?" he asked half way up. I hummed a mhm and hesitantly started my way up.

He got up there first and opened the hatch door. When i got up there he held a hand out to me, i grabbed it and stood up, facing him. I smiled at the taller mans face, taking in his features. 

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