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Listen to: Dreams - Fleetwood Mac and Illicit affairs - Taylor Swift


Peter stared at the entrance of the Compound, hands in the pockets of his jeans with an absent expression drawn on his face. He could hear all the steps of people walking on the compound and he recognized there were far more than what he had gotten used to in one year and a half.

He remembered how much he had craved the same activity as before, to see his mentors but especially to see you. But now he was panicking, his thoughts were screaming for him to leave before anything could go wrong but still every nerve on his body was pulling him into the compound and he knew the reason. He still couldn't process how much his heart still ache to see you again, even after you had been gone all this time without any type of contact.

But it wasn't a surprise that you had been avoiding him.

He knew he had told Tony about what had happened between the two of you and he was sure that you had told him your version of events. But it still seemed like Tony didn't remember when he had called Peter earlier in the day, he had a mission for him and needed him on the compound with the whole team.

"The whole team?"

"Yeah, they came back yesterday"

Peter froze midway on his walk to another building on campus for his next class, since he had decided to double major in biophysics and electronic engineering. Tony had dismissed his long pause as he explained the logistics of the meeting and how he could have Happy pick him up if he wanted, Peter didn't respond and simply by omission agreed for Happy to do it, although he had his car.

After the call, the rest of the day had been a blur until Happy called him to tell him he was in front of the main campus of Columbia waiting for him. Peter didn't talk on the ride to the compound and hadn't even checked in with anyone else in his life.

He was only focused on what would it be to see you again.

It was Peter's first time on Stark Tower after Tony had made him go on a mission regarding Captain America, the Winter Soldier, and Germany. Peter had returned from Germany for about a week when he finally got his call for him to go visit Stark Tower and Peter had been more than excited to go.

"So kid, this is how it'll work", Tony explained to him as the door opened to a spacious metallic, modern industrial looking floor that blinded Peter for a second. "There are four different labs here: we have my lab, which is obviously the biggest, Bruce's lab for when he decides to pay us a visit, Keener's lab, and my daughter's lab over there"

Peter had been stuck a bit when Tony mentioned someone named Keener since Peter didn't know anything about anyone else working with them, but everything was washed away when he remembered you.

It hadn't always been known that Tony Stark had a kid, you had lived with your mother until she had passed away when you were about five years old and it had been kept a well-hidden secret until Tony was kidnapped. Obadiah Stane had, unfortunately, decided that it would appeal to Tony's kidnappers' emotions that his own child would ask for his return. Pepper had been against it, but Stane hadn't listened and then the world knew about you.

Since then, the media had been in a frenzy about Tony's Stark daughter and they didn't stop, although there wasn't much, they could get out of you. The main things the world knew about you were that you had left a private school in Malibu when Tony became Ironman and had been homeschooled since you had the same brain as your father and were most likely a super-genius, you got to go to events sometimes regarding Stark's Industries and, most importantly, you were a member of The Avengers.

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