Chapter 1

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Listen to: Maniac -Conan Grey & my tears ricochet - Taylor Swift


You'd never been to the OSCORP tower before. You had met Norman and Harry when you still lived in Malibu and they lived in Silicon Valley, they had attended a couple of galas that had become mandatory for you to go in order to represent the Stark family name but other than that, there hadn't been much interaction.

Especially since Tony and Norman never got along; they had run in the same circle since the '90s and they had vastly different ideas on what was important. For one, Tony loved what he did and he was passionate about any advancement he could make, but Norman was downright miserable with a sickly ambition. Moreover, he dived into extreme genetic projects that could be dangerous if mixed with business, so as soon as Norman suggested something to Tony and, he shut him down, leaving a bitter taste on Norman's mouth.

You wove your way through the reception that was daunting with a set of intricate security, more than what you had actually expected. Now you knew what Tony had meant with Norman being paranoid. You passed the multiple security stations and smiled when no machine or security guard noticed the mass amount of energy you were carrying on your necklace, where your suit was contained. You had been working for months when you first got to Europe so you could carry it undetected, it had failed a couple of times and so, it had forced you to work out even harder, in case you couldn't use your suit.

You finished passing through the security detail and manage to made your way to the receptionist, who seemed to be rather annoyed with the sheer amount of calls he was receiving.

"Hi, sorry to bother you", you smiled, looking down at him but he didn't even raise his head, you stopped talking but then he motioned his hand for you to continue. "Okay...I'm here to see Mr. Osborn, we have an appointment"

"Your name?", the receptionist asked, still not looking at you which made your eye twitch in annoyance.

"Y/N Stark", you answered, the receptionist snorted, and then he raised his head. He went pale when he realized it was you, you smiled in return as he pulled off his headset and smiled at you.

"Mr. Osborn has been waiting for you", he said as he quickly motioned a security guard to come to the desk and placed his headset on his head again. "Also, there's this guy over there who said he was with you", he mentioned as he pointed at Peter who was passing through the last security detail.

Peter rushed to get next to you, he had been swinging through the city and you could tell by how his curls were messier than how they usually got if he was running. You couldn't help but to smile at his face at his state, his brows were knitted in a frown as he tried to catch his breath, the way his nose wrinkled made you want to shed a tear or two, you remembered how it usually made your heart burst whenever he did that.

"I'm so sorry, I had class and...", Peter mumbled but he stopped again to breathe.

You knew that Peter didn't want to come to Oscorp, it had been years since he had gotten bitten by that radioactive spider on a class trip but you were more than sure that it still triggered something in him. You had assured him that you could go alone, but being as stubborn as he was, he said he would go with you.

"Peter, don't worry", you said sweetly as you place your hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. "It's okay"

Peter froze at your touch and you feel the tension on his muscles so you quickly took your hand off his shoulder. It all felt rather nostalgic to both of you, the way you trusted each other, how you knew you had each other's back and understood. But this wasn't like before and you knew it couldn't be.

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