Chapter 6

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You remembered when the compound was made, it was barely ready after the Ultron catastrophe. Tony had brought you after everything had calmed down so you could train with them, it was fairly recent that you had developed your suit and honestly, the gym that you had at Stark Tower wasn't enough for you to train there having little experience with your suit. regarding battle training. Therefore you joined Sam, Vision, and Wanda for training during all that summer, Steve and Nat conducting a really serious and strict summer camp for Avengers. You had loved it, bonding especially with Wanda easily since she was just a couple of years older than you, Sam became like a cool uncle (who later was joined in the same category by Bucky) while Vision was a calming presence. Nonetheless, you felt as if something was missing, about a year later, Peter would arrive in your life and after a couple of years, the compound would become like a sanctuary for both of you.

Therefore, when you saw a gaping hole in the side of one of the main buildings, where the labs were located, you could feel your stomach sinking, barely letting go of Peter who was holding onto you by his hand, he decided to secure himself with a web, just in case.

"y/n, are you here?" you could hear Tony's elaborate breaths as you dive down into the building, entering the gaping hole where the action was taking place.

There were about thirty men down, you could see them as HAPPY gave you a scan of the place. Tony was against five of them, while Rhodey had about nine men surrounding him but Bruce had it worse, the majority of the men were going at it. Moreover, some of them were wearing a special kind of suit, something that seemed to be alien technology.


"On it!" Peter stated as he climbed off you, while you watched in shock the scene. Bruce's lab and Tony's lab were destroyed by the impact of whatever thing they had used, while yours and Peter's seemed to be not that damaged.

Things were in disarray and it took you a moment to get the scene in front of you. Tony was being held down by a couple of men as they pointed at him with a weapon, the force of what seemed to be a larger-than-life- flame-thrower, but it wasn't a flame thrower exactly, the flames seemed purple and you could feel the blast of energy only by standing a couple of feet away, you grew concerned about the different materials in the lab, things could definitely blow up.

But then, Peter and you quickly got into action, Peter climbed through the roof without being noticed by the men as he tried to cover the weapons in webs, he threw them repeatedly, making the men stop using the guns and looking up, which allowed you to swipe them off from their feet. The sound of the men's bodies banging against the walls, the grunts as you literally threw them through two walls was enough for you to know that you got two less. Tony quickly took the weapons off the floor, he threw them into a destroyed wall, Peter webbing them up to stop anyone from using them, as far away from the lab as he could, knowing that they still had alien energy coming from them.

You didn't have to be an expert to know where these guns or where these men came from, you knew it right away. Kingpin was moving on with his plans and he was taking you by surprise, the sound of a man getting up and then quickly getting shot with a repulsor by Tony snapped you out of your thoughts, you could see Tony wiping his hands as he looked at you.

"Are you sober?" he asked as he stood next to you, watching that Peter had already begun to web up the men who were attacking Bruce, which gave Bruce the option to flung a couple of them into the green space that surrounded the compound or against the walls, or into the garden of the main entrance.

"Yes," you stated gravely, after seeing the attack on the Compound it seemed like the wine's effect had passed. "Where do you want me?"

"Secure the building, let's take the fight outside" Tony stated and then he was already flying towards Bruce and Peter.

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