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CINEMA ‧₊˚ * 🎞 
╰► oo5. into the iland

[no collage bc im too lazy to make one lmao]

HARU HAD NO MEMORY OF ANYTHING AFTER HER LATE PRACTICES. That included how she'd ended up fast asleep across Heeseung's bed. Haru was a heavy sleeper, something the boys had quickly come to know of as she was off in dreamland with her body laid across the unsuspecting boy, her torso spread over his legs and her arms and legs dangling off the edge of the bed.

Once she'd managed to wake up she avidly apologized to Heeseung before dashing to the bathroom to shower in a flustered state. She didn't want to be reminded of that morning.

"Morning, sleeping beauty."

Haru almost spat out her food right then and there.

Seon laughed at her flabbergasted expression, taking a seat next to her as she hastily continued eating her eggs and toast.

"Don't like the nickname?" He raised an eyebrow teasingly, "You know, for someone who slept on top of a pair of legs, you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you up."

"Yeah, I've been told I'm a heavy sleeper," Haru grimaced at the memory.

"That's for sure," He muttered, "How'd you end up there anyway?"

"Well..." She poked at her eggs absentmindedly, "I stayed up late practising in the private room so I guess I just passed out on the nearest bed the minute I came in."

"That makes sense," Seon hummed as he leaned forward into the table, running his fingers through his hair. Haru felt her lips subconsciously tug on its corners.

She looked up at him, "Did they start practice yet?"

"Everyone's doing their own thing at the moment," He merely shrugged.

Haru hummed in understanding, "Do you guys plan on talking to Heeseung about what happened yesterday?"

"We do," He let out a sigh, his shoulders dropping. He was clearly nervous to confront him; it was written all over his face. "I talked to some of the others and they had some problems with his leading."

"I know it's easier said than done but it would be good to clear it up with him soon before we face any more problems," Haru advised, leaning into the table, "I really hope we don't..."

"Same here."

‧₊˚ * 🎞

"HARU HYUNG, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TRAINING?" NI-KI ASKED. She took it upon herself to familiarize herself with the other i-landers. After entering the green room she'd found K and Ni-ki chatting amongst themselves. She'd been wanting to talk to the two contestants for a while now. Not only were they insanely talented, they were also Japanese. She didn't have a lot of Japanese friends in Korea; she was hoping to change that.

It was the second time she'd been asked that. Haru shrugged dismissively, "A little less than a year."

"Same here," Ni-ki smiled.

"What about you, K-san?" Haru tilted her head curiously.

"I'd say almost 3 years," K answered, nodding slowly. "Haru, you said you were a trained actor..." She hummed, signalling for him to continue. "What made you want to become an idol?"

"Well..." She sheepishly rubbed the nape of her neck, "I liked kpop before I got scouted but I never thought about becoming an idol. The performing aspect was what really pulled me in. At the time I got scouted, It wasn't long after I'd gotten my degree and I was looking for jobs. I agreed almost instantly."

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