discontinuation 😞

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hey guysss it been a hot minute 😭😭😭

as the title says i will be sadly choosing to drop this fic and im considering deleting it as well.

for one ive gotten alot less comfortable with writing real person fanfics. nothing against anyone who writes or reads them really but for me personally i just dont feel comfortable writing about real people anymore 😭. While this is obviously fiction, im using the boys' likeness and making up my own personalities for them which doesnt feel right to me 😭

again, nothing against people who do write real person ffs!! i do read them from time to time still but them being real people makes me struggle with how to write them. and dont get me started on the romance 😭😭😭 i cant write romance well as it is but in this fic especially i cringe so hard whenever i realize im writing ab real people 😭😭

that aside i also barely have any time to write at all 💔 im an architecture student and uni consumes all my time and energy and i can never seem to bring myself to write nowadays.

of course im heartbroken to give up on this book bc i really loved working on it. I love haru and i wish i couldve written her better too 😭

since i dont plan on finishing the fic i will reveal how i planned the rest of it!!

- for the representative mission, haru was supposed to lose her voice from over practicing and switch out with daniel.

from then onwards ill just copy paste what i wrote in my rough plan for the plot 😭

- as the other tests continue, her chances of getting back are slim. Despite her efforts ground isn't able to top the iland team in the unit competition and it lowers her confidence.

- she keeps trying but once the 6 i-landers are brought down she breaks down. while she has a chance of getting voted back up she doesn't think she has a shot of being voted back in since she was a girl and that her performance wasn't up to standard at the time.

- seon comforts her and they try to improve together.

- burnt out from i-land she decides to take part in the training camp during the voting period at the end of p1 to focus on herself and her mental health. She's paranoid about how unconfident she felt. she hadn't lacked confidence in a long time. Ultimately she calms down and decides that she wouldn't mind losing.

- she returns to iland for the elimination announcement.

- despite her declaration, once she'd seen that she'd ranked over nicholas with only a few votes, she broke down in tears for all the wrong reasons. she thinks she doesn't deserve her spot since she'd given up so easily

- she makes it back to i-land and sets a goal for herself. 'shes here for a good time, not a long time.' she wants to use her abilities to help the other participants that wanted it more than she did

- she doesn't have any high expectations for how long she'd manage to stay but she was aware that she was a popular contestant and would be voted for nonetheless. the survival aspect for her took the fun out of being an idol. She enjoyed the art but didn't know how much longer she could handle all the trouble of earning her debutation. She liked it but acting always came first in her heart so she'd consider pursuing music as a side job in the future if it was possible.

- final episode, Haru hopes she wouldnt make it into the lineup. sunoo makes it in and she's happy. after show ended, bang sihyuk offered her a chance as a soloist.

- flash forward to a year, she's happy doing solo work, lands an acting gig for a drama... etc etc

haru 4th gen it girl yas

as for the romance... i didnt think it over very well 😭 initially i was going to make her end up with seon but the more i thought about it the more i started leaning towards K 😭 if i continued this fic i wouldve had her end up with K ngl

anyways thank you all so much for reading this fic 😭😭 it warms my heart to see that ppl actually enjoy it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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