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CINEMA ‧₊˚ * 🎞 」
╰► 015.  fire

IT ALL STARTED WHEN THEY'D HAD THAT MISHAP AT THE BATHROOM DOOR THAT DAY. K wasn't sure if it was just the proximity or the embarrassment from the position they were placed in but he couldn't remove that image of her face from his mind. Every time she entered the room he was in, the image of her delicate lashes, the blemishes that kissed her skin, her wet hair, and her parted lips entered his mind. He didn't understand why he felt a certain way when he'd laid his eyes on her. She was definitely an attractive person before that but it was as though she was the most attractive person there now.

It drove him crazy trying to figure out why she made him feel that way. The symptoms all pointed back to a crush but he had a hard time believing it. He'd never felt this way for a guy before, so he chalked it up to her charming personality.

Finding out she was actually a girl initially made him even more confused than before. His feelings hadn't changed at all, forcing him to realize he liked her after all. He wasn't really mad deep down. He was just frustrated he had to catch feelings at such an important time of his life.

He had no intentions of taking action on this little crush of his but seeing how close she was with Seon ignited a sense of jealousy within him. He hated this.

The fact that he happened to be sharing a room with her and Seon was also not helping whatsoever.

So here he was, eyes squeezed shut as he tried to fall asleep.

"Hey Seon?" Haru spoke out into the darkness of the room, assuming K was asleep since he'd been so quiet.

Haru felt restless, squirming with anxiety at the very memory of earlier. It pained her to know that she was the cause of everyone's discomfort. Everything went wrong because she turned out to be a girl.

"Yeah?" He grumbled back in response, his voice low and raspy.

"Were you about to sleep?" She muttered apologetically.

"I was," Seon admitted, letting out a low chuckle, "But it's okay, continue..."

Haru exhaled, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry again..."

"What for?" Seon raised an eyebrow, shifting his weight to his side, facing Haru's bed.

"Keeping everything a secret," Haru muttered weakly. "I don't know if you consider us to be close... But I do. I really hope me being a girl won't change anything between us..."

Seon felt a small smile rise to his lips, "You don't need to worry about that. Besides... I already knew anyway."

"That's good..." She hummed. Her lips tugged into a small smile. That was until his words finally registered.

Eyes widened, she crossed her eyebrows, "I'm sorry, did you just say you already knew?"



"Shhh! Quiet down!" Seon hushed, leaning over to her bed.

"How did you know?" She whisper-yelled, leaning closer to him as well.

He propped himself up on his right arm, looking at Haru, "We've met before."

She scrunched up her face, an eyebrow raised. "We have?"

Seon nodded, "SeMA, 2017. Ring any bells?"

"SeMA?" furrowed her eyebrows, "Were you..."

"Seung-hyuk?" He finished. Haru's eyes widened with recognition.

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