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CINEMA ‧₊˚ * 🎞
╰► oo7. into the iland


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"GUYS, LET'S GET TOGETHER AND TALK." SEON GATHERED THE I-LANDERS into the living room, the minute they'd returned from being evaluated. Everyone was put on edge after Rain's critique. Ni-ki who was on the receiving end was taking it the worst. "Why's the vibe like this?" K grumbled. Haru merely shrugged.

"Should we change the centre or not?"

Youngbin rubbed the nape of his neck sheepishly, "Changing parts is really risky..."

"It's a big issue if our centre can't sing well..." Seon began, "And It's not that he can't sing well, but he can't sing well at all."

"That's too far, Seon," Haru furrowed her eyebrows.

"But it's true! He can hardly control his pitch—"

"He can work on that," Haru retorted firmly, "I get that we're all stressed but you're not making anything better by putting down a member of your own team. Just give him some time—"

"We don't have time, Haru!"

"Then make some fucking time," Haru spat out. Everyone stared at her bewildered as she stood up from her seat. "I don't care if you change his part out, I'll agree with whatever's good for the team. You guys all said it yourself, all of us needs to do good if we want the least amount of people to leave. Do you think putting down his confidence will make him perform well?"

"We really don't have time to debate right now..." Jungwon interjected shifting the topic at hand, "I personally think Heeseung hyung has to do part 1."

"Ni-ki, do you think you can do part 1?" Haru lowered her voice, looking down at the boy with concern, "I'll help you with whatever you're struggling with."

Ni-ki kept his head lowered and his mouth shut. Haru sat back down, engulfing him in a side hug.

"From my perspective, for the team to get a good score, ideally it should be Heeseung hyung."

"It might be good to change," Youngbin admitted, "I don't want to change but if it's what's best then we should do it."

"I also wanted to tell you all, the only reason why I took up part 10 is because I wanted us all to do well, which is why I gave part 1 up," Heeseung explained. Haru's face fell. "If the situation needs me to take part 1 again, I can do that. I'll do it if you all want me to. But if Ni-ki doesn't want me to do it, then I won't. I just want to keep it simple."

Haru stood back up and left the room without another word.

‧₊˚ * 🎞

HARU WAS FRUSTRATED. SO FRUSTRATED SHE WANTED TO BANG HER HEAD INTO A WALL. The fact that all of this trouble could've been avoided if they avoided switching parts in the first place and just changed leaders pissed her off. A part of her was mad at herself for keeping that thought to herself. And Seon? Don't get her started on Seon. She was disappointed in him. She expected better from him than to flat out insult a 14-year-old to his face.

She sat alone in the practice room, reading over the lyrics to the song like she'd planned to do before they were unexpectedly called out to the lobby.

Longing, Excitement, drive, certain naivety and willpower... That's what she managed to interpret. It was from their perspective; the feelings they'd harboured as they first started their journey. Haru didn't need to portray a character... She just needed to be herself. She needed to draw out her genuine feelings.

She stood up and propped up the iPad against the mirrored wall, the camera on and the song starting to play.

Taking in a deep breath, she put herself in the headspace of her slightly younger self and began performing the song, expressions coming naturally as her feelings poured out of her dance.

Coming to an end, she fell to a crouch, taking heavy breaths as she waddled over to the iPad to monitor her performance.

It was a good start. Not perfect, but she was content with it for the time being


Haru jumped back, startled.

Seon stood there watching her with a guilty smile gracing his lips.

"Hey..." Haru muttered back, turning back to the iPad.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier..."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," Haru looked back at him blankly.

"I know. I already apologized to Ni-ki," Seon nodded, "I'll try to be more careful with what I say..."

"Good," Haru hummed, "I'll be counting on that."

"Have you found your answer?" Seon asked suddenly, looking at the screen that played the recording of herself.


"About how to interpret the song?"

"Oh," Haru blinked, "Yeah... I think I did."

"What was it?" Seon looked up at her. Haru felt her cheeks warm up.

"Uh... Something along the lines of anticipation, longing, excitement... strong willpower," Haru rambled, "I can't really put it properly into words but the feeling is there."

"That's good," Seon nodded, "I'm glad things are going smoothly for you. It's been chaos for the last couple of days..."

Haru hummed, "It has..."

"A part of me wishes you were chosen for part 1 in the first place," Seon admitted with a sigh, leaning back.

Haru raised her eyebrows, "Me? Why?"

"You get along well with everyone... You're vocal with your opinions and good at communication... You seem to handle pressure well and you've got the skills to back it all up."

"Oh," Haru looked down at her feet, "Thanks..."

"Why do you sound like you don't believe me?" Seon raised an eyebrow.

"It's not that I don't believe you..." Haru shrugged, "No ones ever said that before... Its surprising since I've never really led people like that."

"I bet if you tried you'd do a good job," Seon gushed, "You really are one of god's favorites huh? Handsome, good at everything..."

"I'm not good at everything..." Haru rolled her eyes.

Seon leaned forward, "Then what are you bad at?"

"Cooking," Haru shrugged sheepishly, "Everytime I enter the kitchen to try and cook, something's catches fire."

"Sounds more like you're just cursed," Seon joked.

Haru laughed softly, "That aside, if everything turns out okay maybe I can try out for part 1 next time?"

"That would be nice," Seon hummed, his lips pulled into a small smile.

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