Chapter 8: A Night to Remember

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A/N: THIS IS THE LAST AND FINAL CHAPTER OF SHREK X SONIC!! it's a super long chapter i hope u guys like it, and spoiler alert happy endings suck ass

"Alright, outfits are everything when it comes to parties, we have to look like the hottest bitches in the room. Got it Shrexy?" Sonic slightly lifted his head up, and smirked attractively.

"So, I think you would look hot as hell in a crop top and short shorts. What do you think Babe?" Sonic said professionally, as he swiftly looked through the many rows of clothing, picking out a sparkly silver crop top and some ripped jean short shorts.

"I mean... I guess.. I have to see what I look like in it first though."

"Yeah yeah, of course. Change into these." Sonic handed Shrek the clothing, as Shrek changed into the clothes quickly. He slowly walked up to the mirror, and looked at himself up and down.

"So.... what do you think?" Sonic stood behind Shrek, as Shrek continued to examine himself in the mirror.

"I think I look hot."
"That's what I was going for." Sonic smirked, as he found an outfit for himself. Sonic had picked out a flowy sparkly silver dress that went up to his knees, just so that he could somewhat match with Shrek. He finished the outfit with a pearl necklace and gold bracelets.

"You look amazing.." Shrek's cheeks flushed red, as he looked at Sonic romantically.

"yes yes I know. Now come on let's go to the party" Sonic took Shrek's hand, and practically dragged him outside as Sonic quickly got into the passenger seat of the car, allowing Shrek to drive.

Shrek quickly got out the paper containing the party address and information, and drove off.

"Hey-- uh, babe? Are you clean?"
"What? You mean drugs? Yeah."
"The party has alcoholic beverages.. please tell me you won't drink.."
"I wont. Don't worry about it, alright?" Sonic smiled, knowing that was a lie. He wanted to have the night of his life. He wanted to suck other men's dicks for cocaine.

Shrek pulled up to the house the party was being held in, there were a ton of cars scattered around the area, and a shit ton of people were outside. You could hear the music blasting from the inside of the building.

"Holy shit. I'm so excited!!" Sonic screeched, as Shrek parked and the two of them quickly got out.

"This is your first party.. isn't it?" Sonic glanced at Shrek, and he slowly nodded.
"Alright.. um.. don't let anyone hold your drink I guess." Sonic smiled, and held Shrek's hand as the two of them entered the large house. There were a lot more people than Sonic had expected, this was awesome.
"Uhh.. I'm going to uh.. you know what, doesn't matter. Babe, go out on the dance floor I'll be there in a minute."
"Oookayyy..." Shrek said with suspicion, as Sonic nervously walked away. He wanted to find vodka, and a guy's dick he could suck for drugs. Sonic swiftly pushed through the crowds of people, until he eventually found the kitchen which was littered with bottles of alcoholic beverages and food. He pushed his way through the crowded kitchen, and poured a glass of vodka. He quickly chugged it, and threw the glass on the ground.

"WHO'S DICK CAN I SUCK FOR COCAINE??!!" Sonic shouted loudly, as multiple men stared at him.

"Uh- uh- I have cocaine.. you can suck my dick for it, come on, heh." The red man that helped Sonic gave birth had said, which left Sonic speechless... well, anything for cocaine I guess.

Sonic followed Mario to the bathroom, and Mario shut the door behind him.

"So you're really gonna do this?.. I-I mean you have a boyfriend.."
"Shut up Mario. I want drugs."

Sonic kneeled down as Mario sat down. Sonic opened his mouth, and began to suck Mario's dick. He sucked it like how he sucked Shrek's dick. Hard and fast.

"A-Ah.. S-Sonic.. f-fffuuuckkk...." Mario leaned his head back and closed his eyes, catching himself before he fell backwards.

"Mm, yeah I'm done. Your dick is fucking small. Give me cocaine." Sonic stood up, feeling unsatisfied.

"Uh.. well you know uh.. the thing is.. I don't have cocaine. I just wanted you to suck my dick." Mario awkwardly admitted, as Sonic stared at him in disbelief.


"I-I'm sorry.. please.. don't hurt me. I've been in love with you ever since the day I saved you, please.. give me a chance."

"Did you not hear the fucking part where I said I had a boyfriend? You're a god damn loser, dude. Get a life." Sonic shoved Mario against the wall, and left the bathroom, slamming the door loudly behind him. Sonic aggressively strutted down the hallway, and into the crowd of people dancing to a song, the song that was playing was "Toxic" by Britney Spears. This song really had set the mood. Sonic shoved his way through the people, and found Shrek standing there by himself awkwardly.

"nah this isn't gonna work." Sonic started dancing like a stripper in front of Shrek, trying to prove a point that Shrek was being lazy.

"YOUR TOXIC IM SLIPPIN UNDER!!!" Sonic screamed the lyrics, as he continued to dance sexually.

"SONIC STOP IT! YOU'RE EMBARASSING ME." Shrek screamed, grabbing onto Sonic to make him stop.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU'RE THE ONE DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. You're so fucking boring Shrek. Go fuck yourself." Sonic broke out into anger, as he walked back to the kitchen, Shrek following him from behind.

"Sonic. I don't want to go through this again. Please stop, I know you're drunk."
"SHUT UP." Sonic quickly grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, and poured the two of them with some type of alcohol, and drank the both of the glasses in under 0.4 seconds.

"Move. I regret sucking your pathetic green ogre dick." Sonic shoved Shrek out of the way, as "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga played in the background.

"I don't wanna beee frieeeennndsss" Sonic sung along to the song, staring directly at Shrek. Shrek got sick of this shit and stormed out of the house.

Shrek had got into his car, and drove off. He wouldn't let Sonic get the best of him anymore, he was done.

Sonic couldn't give a fuck about anything, he continued dancing sexually and tbh was having the time of his life. "Blow" by Kesha began to play.

As Sonic continued to have fun by himself, Shrek had driven the car off a cliff. He was sick of dealing with Sonic's shit, he thought he could be confident and badass about it but no lol.

Sonic's dancing was interrupted, as Mario had walked up to him.

"Hey, you know what red guy? I think I wanna get more of you. But um, my boyfriend got mad and drove off so.. I think we're gonna have to find some other way of transportation. Anyway, you're actually pretty hot. I was missing out. Wanna like, date? My boyfriend is probably dead, idk though."

"Hell yeah." Sonic and Mario exchanged smiles, as their cheeks flushed red. It was official. Shrek was gone, and Sonic and Mario had gotten together. They were the true partners this whole time, and they all uh.. lived happily?? ever after.

the end!!

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