Chapter 3

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The next time it was three days.

Camila was just walking back into the library after her lunch break when she spotted Lauren standing between the rows of books, reading the back of the book clutched in her hand.

Camila let herself behind the counter, waving at her best friend Dinah, who was the library's I.T. person, before sitting behind her desk. She took a sip from her coffee and peeked over the top of her computer screen to catch a glimpse of Lauren, who was pulling another book off the shelves.

A small crease formed between Camila's eyebrows as she watched Lauren. Surely it wasn't right to judge her because of her brother? She seemed so sweet, especially when she got flustered the other day. Even now, as Camila gazed at her, Lauren looked so normal, flipping through the pages of the book she held.

A few minutes later Lauren headed out of the stacks of books, carrying a small pile with her. Camila stared at her, hoping she'd look over, and when Lauren's attention slide to the front desk, Camila waved. A wide smile lit up Lauren's face as she strode towards Camila.

"I was wondering where you were!" Lauren said by way of greeting, as Camila reached for the nearest notepad.

'Lunch break! I had to make a coffee stop'

Camila held up the notepad, picking up the cup of coffee she'd forgotten about whilst she'd been gazing at Lauren. She took a sip, waiting for Lauren's reply.

"I'm just finishing up my own lunch break, I thought I'd swing by and pick up some new reading material," Lauren explained, "I'm glad I caught you before I left."

Camila smiled down at the notepad, biting her lip as she scrawled down a reply.

'I wasn't expecting you back so soon, you still have a four more days left on those books you borrowed'

Lauren let out a short laugh, quickly clapping her hand over her mouth as the sound disturbed the silence of the library. Lauren mouthed an apology at an irritated college student who was glaring at her over the top of his laptop. She leaned in closer to Camila, dropping her voice to a whisper.

"I thought I'd make an early return, there were some new topics that caught my attention last time I was here."

With a smile, Camila picked up the first book. *Signing for Dummies.* She quickly looked back up at Lauren, who was still leaning over the counter with a smirk on her face.

"Someone reminded me that sign language isn't just for deaf people," Lauren whispered, winking at Camila. Or at least she tried to wink. It came off as more of a blink, which Camila thought was even cuter. Feeling her face flush, Camila picked up the next book, getting flustered when she realized it was another book on American Sign Language.

Scanning the last book, Camila placed it on top of the rest of the pile. Six books. All on sign language. She couldn't stop smiling as she handed Lauren back her library card.

"Well, I better get to it," Lauren said, picking up the books and flashing Camila another smile, "I'll see you next time."

It wasn't a question.

Lauren knew she'd be back to see Camila, checking out more books as an excuse to keep coming back.

And Camila knew that she would be counting down the days until she saw Lauren again.

- -————————

It was Friday night, which meant that Camila was at Maggie's favorite dive bar, squished into a booth with Dinah, who she'd dragged along with her.

Sofi and Maggie carried over beers for everyone, before settling in opposite Camila and Dinah. They were already deep in conversation about one of Maggie's cases at the police department.

"So we managed to track one of the guys to an abandoned warehouse where they'd been setting up their underground fight club. We took him into the station, and within five minutes of interrogating him we had the name of the person behind it," Maggie said, looking smug.

"Right, because you're soooo intimidating," Sofi laughed, "what'd you do, flash your dimples at him? I bet he was terrified."

"I'll have you know I can be very threatening when I want to be Cabello," Maggie pouted, pretending to scowl as Camila and Dinah joined in with Sofi's laughter.

'Okay detective dimples'

Camila signed at Maggie, triggering another round of laughter.

"Hey! I understood that," Maggie huffed, crossing her arms, "learning sign language for you was a terrible idea, you're wounding my pride here Camila," she joked.

"We're just messing with you babe, I'm very proud of you," said Sofi, kissing Maggie on her cheek, "but you have to admit, you're dimples are super cute."

Camila smiled, she felt all warm inside seeing Sofi happy with the person she loved. Taking a sip of beer, her mind turned to someone else she knew with cute dimples.


She brought herself back to the conversation, looking at Dinah who had just spoken. "Are you okay? You've been distracted all day," she continued.

She nodded, smiling as she held up her empty bottle of beer. She gestured towards the bar as she got up. Taking the empty bottle with her, she pointed at it and held four fingers up at the bartender.

As she waited she thought about what Dinah had said. It was true, she'd been distracted all day thinking about Lauren, and had come to the conclusion that she would make up her own mind about her. She understood why Sofi had told her to be careful, she had always been too trusting, but she knew her trust wasn't misplaced in Lauren.

As she carried the bottles back to their booth, she smiled to herself.

She couldn't wait to see Lauren again.

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