Chapter 13

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A few weeks later it was Thanksgiving. Camila and Lauren took the train to Midvale, along with Sofi, Maggie and Dinah. Lauren was trying to stay calm about meeting Sinu. So far she'd gotten along great with Sofi and the rest of Camila's friends, but this was Camila's mom. Lauren didn't get along great with Clara, but she knew that Camila loved Sinu and she wanted to make a good impression.

Once the train pulled into the station and they all disembarked, Sofi, Maggie and Dinah piled into a taxi with everyone's luggage, making their way to the Cabello's house. Looping her arm through Lauren's, Camila started walking. It wasn't a long walk to the house, and Camila got to show Lauren some of her favorite places in Midvale as they strolled along.

They climbed the porch steps and Lauren took a deep breath, steadying herself. Camila smiled, squeezing Lauren's hand and gave her a quick kiss before opening the front door. She took Lauren's coat and placed it on a hook next to her own, listening to the muffled whispers coming from the living room.

Smiling, Camila dragged Lauren into the living room. She wasn't worried, Sinu was so open and loving, it would be almost impossible for her to not like Lauren.

"Hi sweetie, come give me a hug," Sinu smiled, opening her arms as she got up off the sofa. Camila's face lit up as she ran into her arms, squeezing her tightly as she kissed Sinu on the cheek. Pulling back slightly Sinu studied her youngest daughter's face, smiling as she pulled her in for another quick hug.

Smiling widely, Camila took Sinu's hand and pulled her over to Lauren, who was lingering in the doorway, looking nervous. Camila picked up Lauren's hand too, giving it another quick squeeze before dropping it.

'Sinu, this is Lauren. Lauren this is my mom, Sinu'

Camila was smiling widely as she introduced them to each other, her eyes crinkling at the corners. She was so excited to finally introduce Lauren to her mom.

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Cabello, thank you for having me," Lauren smiled, holding out a hand for Sinu to shake. She let out a surprised sound as Sinu wrapped her in a hug, kissing her on the cheek.

"You're very welcome Lauren, and please call me Sinu."

Lauren smiled in relief, her nerves calming now that she'd gotten the introduction out of the way. She just hoped the rest of the weekends would go just as smoothly.

"These are for you," Lauren said, pulling two bottles of wine out of her bag. Camila rolled her eyes, she'd told Lauren she didn't have to bring anything, but of course she hadn't listened.

"Oh, thank you!" Sinu exclaimed, giving Lauren's arm a gently squeeze before she took the two bottles, "I'll go and put these in the kitchen, make yourself at home Lauren."

Camila beamed at Lauren, kissing her forehead before they sat down on the sofa. "You can relax now," Sofi smirked at Lauren, who let out a nervous laugh.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought," Lauren smiled wrapping an arm around Camila's waist.

"Don't worry, I was the same the first time I met Sinu," Maggie confessed, flashing Lauren a dimpled smile, "and I don't get nervous that often, so that's saying something."

Sofi laughed, "out of all the things to get nervous about, it was my mom?" Maggie rolled her eyes, nudging Sofi with her elbow.

"But that was before I met her," Maggie argued, "your mom loves me now."

Camila smiled, she loved watching Sofi and Maggie. You could see the love in the way that they looked at each other, in their smiles, in their gentle touches. They didn't have to say it, it was just obvious, it's like they were connected by an invisible force.

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